November 2021 Featured Book List
Here is a list of 105 items of extraordinary interest for book collectors. We very much hope that you find a few items to add to your library. There is a link in the text beneath each picture that will take you to the sale page for each book.
$3500. An absolutely exquisite copy of Doré's illustrated Bible: Doré, Gustave [illustrator]. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the Authorised Version. With Illustrations by Gustave Doré. (2 volumes, 238 engravings). London and New York: Cassell Petter, and Galpin , ca. 1871.
$3500. 235 héliogravures by Fortier-Marotte (2 bound volumes) published in Paris as the fashion plates of La Mode Pratique, 1895-1900.
$2250. The Russo-Japanese War: Taken by the Photographic Department of the Imperial Headquarters, by Kazumasa Ogawa. (22 parts in wrappers)
$1500. The Workes of the reverend, truly pious, and iudiciously learned Robert they were finished by himselfe in his life time. London: George Miller, 1638-40.
$1500. Heidelbergh Catechism. First American Edition, New York 1764.
$1200. The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Scott, D. D., Some time Rector of St. Giles's in the Fields. In two volumes. 1718.
$1200. Law, Andrew. The Rudiments of Music: or A Short and Easy Treatise on the Rules of Psalmody. To which are annexed, A number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes (1792).
$950. Law, Andrew. The Rudiments of Music: or A Short and Easy Treatise on the Rules of Psalmody. To which are annexed, A number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes (1792 - back cover detached).
$950. Cox. Adventures on the Columbia River, including A Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, among various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown: together with A Journey across the American Continent (1832).
$750. Tony Sarg's New York. Signed limited edition, no. 10 of 99 copies. (1927)
$750. The taill of Rauf Coilzear how he harbreit King Charlis. Edinburgh: [David Laing], [1822].
$750. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852 (2 volumes, includes map portfolio).
$600. Picturesque America (2 vol set) 52 steel engravings, 900 illustrations.
$600. The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 1845-52. [240 plates].
$600. Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York, 1777-1795, 1801-1804.
$500. [Missionary Press, Shanghai] Scarborough. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs (1875). First edition with wrappers.
$450. The Lives, Sufferings & Deaths, of the Christian Martyrs & Reformers, compiled from Fox's Book of Martyrs. (1802)
$450. Fine bindings. The Works of William Paley, D. D. (1838).
$400. Thomas Prince, A Chronological History of New-England, in the form of Annals being A Summary and exact Account.
$300. Lardner. The Museum of Science & Art, Illustrated by Engravings on Wood.
$300. Thornwell's Rights and Duties of Masters to their Slaves (1850)
$300. The Massacres of Cilicia and the Government of Young Turks. (1909)
$300. Songs of Sion, or Maine Collection of Sacred Music (1830)
$250. A. Patribus Collegii S. Bonaventurae [editors]. ANALECTA FRANCISCANA: VOLS. I-V.
$225. Absalom Peters. The Home Missionary, and American Pastor's Journal. 1830-31.
$225. The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes
$200. Indian Treaties Printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762. One of 500 copies printed.
$200. [1834 Knoxville TN imprint] William Browlow's Warning Against Presbyterians, entitled Helps to the Study of Presbyterianism or, An Unsophisticated Exposition of Calvinism; with Hopkinsian Modifications and Policy, with a View to the more Easy Interpretation of the Same.
$200. [1813 Harrisonburg, VA Imprint] Bourne. Marriage Indissoluble: and Divorce Unscriptural.
$200. A Library of American Literature from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, in Eleven Volumes.
$200. Wales Illustrated in a Series of Views, comprising the Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, Seats of the Nobility & Gentry, Antiquities, &c. 177 steel-engraved plates. (1830)
$200. The Life of Mr. John Hieron. With the Characters and Memorials of Ten other Worthy Ministers of Jesus Christ; Written by Mr. Robert Porter, late Minister of the Gospel in Nottinghamshire. (1691)
$200. Remarks on a Sermon, about Corrupting the Word of God. Preach'd by Tho. Gipps...Wherein the Dissenters are Fully Vindicated Against his Unjust Accusations (1696)
$200. Gipps, Thomas. A Sermon against Corrupting the Word of God, Preacht at Christ Church in Manchester Upon a Publick Occasion on the 11th Day of July, 1696.
$200. [CHROMOXYLOGRAPY] Evans, Edmund. The Illuminated Scripture Text Book (1872).
$200. Williams, S. Wells. Our Relations with the Chinese Empire (1877).
$200. Resting in God's Faithfulness during Twenty Three Days among Pirates. Address given by Miss Marie Monsen at Peitaiho Conference, July 29, 1929.
$200. [Armenian Missions] The Romance of Missions or Inside Views of Life and Labor, in the Land of Ararat. (1875)
$200. Henwood, Oliver. Hints on the best Means for the Revival of Religion bound with A Narrative of Mr. Charles Barns, a Local Preacher in the Methodist Connexion: whose lamented Death was occasioned by an accident in his Paper-Mill, near Buckfastleigh, Devon, Nov. 4, 1828.
$165. The Tagastan (1936-1942, 13 issues); Edited and Published by The Students of Augustinian College, Washington, DC.
$150. The Seraphical Young Shepherd: Being a very remarkable account of a Shepherd in France, about eighteen years of age; Who, without any other Means than the Scriptures, and the Teachings of God's Holy Spirit, attained to a very uncommon and evangelical Knowledge of the true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent. (1793)
$150. Simpson. Annals of My Life, Labours, and Travels 1895 Irish Revivals
$135. Sacred Places in China. Cincinnati: The Western Methodist Book Concern, 1911.
$135. Lee & Frost. Ten Years in Oregon. 1844 with map. Methodist missionaries to the Indian tribes of Oregon.
$135. A Journey across the Plains in 1836: Journal of Mrs. Marcus Whitman together with Letters of Mrs. Marcus Whitman, 1836-1846
$125. Complete Domestic Medicine; or, A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by Regimen and Simple Medicine.
$125. Finden's Tableaux of the Affections; A Series of Picturesque Illustrations of the Womanly Virtues; From Paintings by W. Perring. London: Charles Tilt, 1839.
$125. Thomas. Reminiscences of the Last Sixty-Five Years, commencing with the Battle of Lexington. Also, Sketches of His Own Life and Times. In two volumes. (1840)
$125. Skinner, Otis A. Letters to Rev. B. Stow, R. H. Neale, and R. W. Cushman, on Modern Revivals. (1842)
$125. Wilkinson, W. M. The Revival in its Physical, Psychical, and Religious Aspects. (1861)
$100. [GREAT FIRE OF 1874 IN HELENA, MT] ALS of Augustus K. Wise, Helena, Montana Territory, March 30, 1874, to the Singer Manufacturing Company.
$100. A Short Determination of all Controversies We have with the Papists, by Gods Holy Word (1679).
$100. The Nature of Justification Opened, in a Sermon On Romans V. 1. By Mr. Gibbons, sometime Preacher at Black-Fryers, London (1695).
$100. The Wesley Banner and Revival Record, for the year 1850.
$95. Missions in the Tonga and Feejee Islands, as described in the Journals of Rev. Walter Lawry (1852).
$95. [Missionary Press] The History of the Dakota Presbytery (1892).
$95. Spence, Irving. Letters on the Early History of the Presbyterian Church in America (1838).
$95. [FINE BINDING] The Poetry & Poets of Britain, from Chaucer to Tennyson (1850).
$95. Gallo, Eleonora. Peasant Art in Italy (1 of 250 copies).
$95. Alexandro, Natali. Expositio Litteralis et Moralis Sancti Evangelii Jesu Christii secundus Quatuor Evangelistas (1721).
$95. Webster. A History of the Presbyterian Church in America from its Origin until the year 1760 with Biographical Sketches of its early Ministers.
$75. Allibone. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors (5 volume set, complete)
$75. Abbott. The Life of General Ulysses S. Grant, 1868 Campaign biography.
$75. Munsell. The Every Day Book of History and Chronology: embracing the Anniversaries of Memorable Persons and Events; in every Period and State of the World, from the Creation to the Present Time. (1843)
$75. The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church of North America: with an Appendix (1840).
$75. Moses Stuart. Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon. 1845 first edition.
$75. Lectures on the Points in Controversy between Romanists and Protestants. (1840).
$75. A Souvenir of Cambrian Railways: Gems of Picturesque Scenery in Wild Wales (1901).
$75. Nicholson's Cambrian Traveller's Guide, in every direction; containing Remarks made during many Excursions in the Principality of Wales, augmented by Extracts from the Best Writers. (1840).
$75. Historical Sketch of Presbyterianism within the bounds of the Synod of Central New York (1877).
$75. Memoir of the Life and Ministry of Mr. William Bramwell, lately an Itinerant Methodist Preacher; with extracts from his interesting and extensive correspondence. New York: J. Emory and B. Waugh, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1830.
$65. [Shaped Note Hymnal] 1855 The Presbyterian Psalmist.
$65. Young, E. Ryerson. Three Arrows: The Young Buffalo Hunter.
$65. Pioneer Presbyterianism in Tennessee (1898)
$65. The Presbytery of Kansas City and its Predecessors, 1821-1901.
$65. Whipple. Relation of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to Slavery (1861)
$65. Hrdlicka. Ales. Anthropological Survey in Alaska.
$65. Hannah More. Sacred Dramas; chiefly intended for Young Persons: the Subjects taken from the Bible (1793).
$65. 1835 Pittsburgh Convention Protesting New School Presbyterian Policies.
$65. [MISSIONARY PRESS] Historical Sketches of the India Missions of the Presbyterian Church (1886).
$65. Soriac, André. WWI Postcards with Poems, 17 pieces. Paris: Imp. de L'Edition Cigalia, 1915-1916.
$65. 1869 The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, with 26 fine engravings.
$65. The Christian Diadem, and Family Keepsake: A Gift Book for All Seasons; In two parts. New-York: Z. P. Hatch, 1855.
$65. The Leisure Hour Book; embracing Sketches in Natural History; Adventures and Incidents of Travel in Foreign Lands; Personal Narratives; Biographical Sketches; And other Subjects Suited to Amuse and Instruct the Reader. Embellished with numerous Engravings. (1844)
$65. Hopkins. The Christian's Instructer [sic], containing a summary Explanation and Defence of the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion. Middlebury: J. W. Copeland, 1825.
$65. Peter the Goat; Written and Drawn by Diana Thorne. 1940 First Edition.
$65. Abbé Maury. The Principles of Eloquence, adapted to the Pulpit and the Bar. (1807).
$65. Davideis: The Life of David, King of Israel: A Sacred Poem. In five books. Philadelphia: Printed by John Crukshank, 1805
$65. History of the American Navy, With more than four hundred illustrations, maps and diagrams. (1897)
$65. Matthew Poole. Dialogue between a Popish Priest and an English Protestant; wherein the principal Points and Arguments of both Religions are truly Proposed, and fully Examined. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1843.
$65. 1872 Family Bible, Hills no. 1830.
$65. Young People's Illustrated Bible History: being A Simple and Attractive Account of the Great Events mentioned in the Old and New Testaments (1870).
$65. Essays on Romanism. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. First American Edition.
$65. The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Haystack Prayer Meeting: celebrated at the Ninety-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Board in North Adams and by the Haystack Centennial Meetings at Williamstown, Mass. October 9-12, 1906.
$65. Christianity Contemplated; or, Practical Thoughts on the Decline and Revival of Religion. London: Elliot Stock, [1867].
$65. A Voice to the Married; being a compendium of Social, Moral, and Religious Duties, addressed to Husbands and Wives. New London: J. Bolles, 1848.
$60. Plain Directions for acquiring the art of Shooting on the Wing. With useful Hints concerning all that relates to Guns and Shooting, and particularly in regard to the art of Loading as to Kill. (1873)
$55. The Balance: or Moral Arguments for Universalism. Boston: B. B. Mussey and A. Tompkins, 1847.
$45. Thomas Smyth. An Ecclesiastical Catechism of the Presbyterian Church (1841).
$45. The History of the Melanesian Mission. London: Isbister and Company Limited, 1900. First Edition.
$45. A Life for Africa: Rev. Adolphus Clemens Good, Ph.D., American Missionary in Equatorial Africa (1897).
$45. George Paull, of Benita, West Africa. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1872.
$45. The Three Martyrs; Or, Brief Sketches of the Lives of Clemens Romanus, Ignatius, and Polycarp. Richmond: E. Thompson Baird, c.1870.
$45. Lincoln in Caricature: 165 Poster Cartoons and Drawings for the Press [SIGNED]
$45. Wright and Haweis, A Treatise on that being Born Again without which No Man can be Saved To which is added, the Communicant's Spiritual Companion (1813).