Vance, James I. [editor] Pioneer Presbyterianism in Tennessee; Addresses delivered at the Tennessee Exposition on Presbyterian Day, October 28, 1897. Richmond, Va.: The Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1898. First Edition. [7419]
Gray cloth with bright gilt titles, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 inches, ex historical society library (Montreat) with white spine label and round emboss stamp to tp. Donation inscription by R. E. Magill on the ffep. 83 clean pp. Very good. Hardcover.
The programme and addresses of the two assemblies that took place on the day. This includes
Pioneer Presbyterianism in Tennessee, by Judge C. W. Heiskell
National Indebtedness to Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, by Rev. John Hall
Samuel Doak and His Successors, by Rev. J. W. Bachman
Presbyterianism and Education, by Prof. Walter W. Moore