Gipps, Thomas. A Sermon against Corrupting the Word of God, Preacht at Christ Church in Manchester Upon a Publick Occasion on the 11th Day of July, 1696. London: Printed for Ephraim Johnston Bookseller in Manchester, 1697. [5977]
Removed, 7 1/2 x 6 inches, (ii.), 28 pp., lacks the half-title page, begins at title page. Last leaf trimmed closely at bottom margin, taking with it the FINIS. Good.
ESTC R26767; Wing G781. ESTC lists 2 North American locations.
Thomas Gipps, d. 1709, educated at St. Paul's School, London, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, rector of Bury. In this sermon on Proverbs 30:6 "he charged the Presbyterians during the civil wars with altering Acts vi. 3, 'whom we might appoint' into 'whom ye might appoint,' to favour the notion of the people's right to elect their own ministers. This led to a sharp controversy with James Owen of Oswestry, in which Gipps was shown to be in error." - DNB.