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Early May 2023 Price List

Here is our early May list, all priced to sell.  Almost every choice has not been on any previous list, apart from a few pamphlets remaining from March.  There are three categories in this order:  Religion, Americana, and Other Interesting Items.

We posted the prices as well as the item numbers, so that you may quickly skim through without having to open the link to find the price.  Please click the [number] in the brackets to go to the sale page for that book.

If you are new to this list, please note that by clicking on the link you are not committing to purchase the book, but only opening the page that will allow you to do so.

For those of you who have been following our research on the enormous Latin choir book associated with Latin America, there is a link at the bottom of this list that will take you to that blog post.  We have found several illustrations with dates from the 1580's in the middle portion of the tome.

Here we go!


Abbott, Jacob. Abbott's Young Christian: A Memorial Edition, with a Sketch of the Author, by one of his sons. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882. First Edition. [9295] $45.

Alabama Congregational Church Records, 1892-1915 (19 items). Varies: 1892-1915. First Editions. [9132]. $200.

Backhouse, Edward; Tylor, Charles. Witnesses for Christ and Memorials of Church Life from the Fourth to the Thirteenth Century. London: Headley Brothers, 1899. Third Edition.  [9285] $15.

Barnes, Albert. Doeg, the Edomite; or, The Informer. A Lecture on the Fifty-second Psalm, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, January 6, 1861. Philadelphia: "Not Published". Printed by Henry B. Ashmead, 1861. First Edition. [9147] $200. The author decided to print the lecture that he delivered on Doeg the Edomite, for rumors of it were circulating, and he wanted people to have in writing to compare to what they were hearing. The controversial aspect was that Barnes touched upon the Fugitive Slave Act, not in name, but in obvious comparison (the footnotes do refer to it by name). He compares their fugitive state to Protestants in Europe who were persecuted and had to flee to America.

Beecher, Willis J. Reasonable Biblical Criticism. Philadelphia: The Sunday School Times Company, 1911. First Edition. [9242]. $15.

Benson, Joseph. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with Critical, Explanatory, and Practical Notes (2 volume set). New-York: T. Carlton & J. Porter, ca. 1870. [9228] $65.  Joseph Benson (1748-1821), English Methodist.

BIBLIA SACRA Vulgatæ Editionis, Sixti V. Pontificis Max. Jussu Recognita, et Clementis VIII. Auctoritate edita; Versiculis Distincta, Ed ad singula Capita Argumentis aucta; Pluribusque Imagnibus, ad Historiarum notitiam politissime elaboratis, ornata; Indiceque Epistolarum, & Evangeliorum locupletata. Venitiis: Nicolaum Pezzana, 1732. [9315].  $750.  With hundreds of woodcut engravings.

Blackburn, John. The True Character, and Probable Results, of American Revivals: A Discourse, delivered at Maberly Chapel, Kingsland, on Thursday morning, April 8, 1830; Before the Monthly Meeting of Pastors and Churches, and Published at their Request. With an Appendix. London: Holdsworth and Ball, 1830. First Edition. [9222]  $65. 

Brown, John. The Self-Interpreting Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with References and Illustrations (2 volume set); an exact Summary of the Several Books; a Paraphrase on the most obscure or important parts; an Analysis of the contents of each chapter; to which are annexed, An Extensive Introduction, Explanatory Notes, Evangelical Reflections, &c...Embellished with forty beautiful engravings. Bungay: Brightly and Childs, 1814. [9231] $295. 

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come; delivered under the similitude of a Dream. New-York: American Tract Society, ca. 1850. [9194] $20. 

Cabassut, Jean; Cabassutii, Joannis. Notitia Ecclesiastica Historiarum, Conciliorum & Canonum invicem collatorum...&c. Lugduni [Lyon]: Anisson & Joannis Posuel, 1702. Tertia. [9223]. $195.  "Often modified and enlarged, it was once, under the title 'Cabassutius', an authority for the history of councils." - The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908). 

The Canadian Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns for Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, Prayer and Praise Meetings, Family Circles, &c. Toronto: William Briggs, (1894). Revised and Enlarged Edition. [9290] $25.  Methodist.

Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Presbyterian Historical Society, No. 821 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia: Jas. B. Rodgers, Printer, 1865. [9148]. $100.  A rare resource for the collector of Presbyteriana. The entries are not numbered, but there are 107 pp.; we think there are about 1,500 books listed.

[CHINA] A Map of China Prepared for the China Inland Mission. London: Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., ca. 1895. [9232] $2,000.  This undated map indicates every mission station operated by the China Inland Mission by underlining the location in red, with free ports also noted, underlined with a dotted line.

Church of England; Brady & Tate. [bookplate] The Book of Common Prayer...&c. bound with A New Version of the Psalms of David. Oxford: Printed at the University Press, by John Collingwood and Co., 1842. [9225]. $30. With a large bookplate, "The Association incorporated for Discountenancing Vice and Promoting The Knowledge & Practice of the Christian Religion."

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America...As Amended in the Years 1805-1922. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1924. [9234] $45.  

Downs, Sarah Jane Corson; Graw, J. B. [editor]. Life of Mrs. S. J. C. Downs; or, Ten Years at the Head of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of New Jersey. Camden, N. J.: Gazette Printing and Publishing House, 1892. [9273] $30.

Dyer, William; Watts, Isaac. The Believer's Golden Chain; embracing the substance of some dissertations on Christ's Famous Titles, A View of Zion's Glory, and Christ's Voice to London. bound with A Guide to Prayer; being the substance of some Essays on the Spirit and Gift of Prayer. Wheeling, VA: S. S. Henderson | Printed by John B. Wolff, 1849. [9224] $65.  A great book with a very collectible imprint.

Eells, Myron. Justice to the Indian: Minutes of the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington, Held at Walla Walla, W. T., July 12-15, 1883. Together with the Minutes of the Home Missionary Society of Oregon and adjoining Territories, and of the Northwestern Association of Congregational Ministers. Portland, Oregon: Geo. H. Himes, Printer and Publisher, 1883. First Edition. [9135]. $200.  

Eells, Cushing; Eells, Myron. Minutes of the Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Congregational Association, of Oregon and Washington, Held at Forest Grove, Oregon, July 18-21, 1885; Together with the Minutes of the Home Missionary Society of Oregon and Adjoining Territories, The Ministerial Association, and the Woman's Board of Missions. THE JUBILEE of Congregationalism on the Northwest Coast.Portland, Oregon: Geo. H. Himes, Printer and Publisher, 1885. First Edition. [9136].  $100.  American Indian missions in the Pacific Northwest.

Froude, James Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects (3 vols). London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1868-1877. Third Edition. [9270]. $45.

Gibson, Lucile Foreman. Lives Entwined: Lives of Finley F. Gibson, D. D. and Mrs. Finley F. Gibson [SIGNED]; Foreword by Dr. W. O. Carver. Louisville, Ky: Self Published, 1942. First Edition. [9267] $25. Pastor Finley was for over twenty years the pastor of Walnut Street Baptist Church in Louisville, and was a pastor for forty-one years before retiring.

Gray, George Zabriskie. The Children's Crusade: An Episode of the Thirteenth Century. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company | The Riverside Press, (1898). [9288] $20.

Grisham, R. N.; et al. Heavenly Light No. 2: A Collection of the best songs to be found for Church, Sunday School, and all Religious Gatherings. Greenville, S. C.: R. N. Grisham, (1923). [9221].  $35.  A Southern Baptist hymnal.

Hastings, Thomas; Bradbury, William B. The Mendelssohn collection, or, Hastings and Bradbury's third book of Psalmody; containing original music and selections from the best European and American composers, consisting of tunes, anthems, motets, introits, sentences and chants, with an appendix of the most approved church tunes, for congregational singing. New York &c.: Mark H. Newman & Co., &c., (1849). [9179]. $20.

Holcombe, Henry. A Protest against the Proceedings of The Philadelphia Baptist Association, by The First Baptist Church of Philadelphia: with Prefatory, and Concluding, Extracts and Remarks, by Henry Holcome, D. D., Their Pastor. Philadelphia: Published by Order of the Church | Printed by R. Johnsen, 1816. First Edition. [9138]  $200.  The issues treated with are that wolves have crept into the ministry, the doctrines of grace are seldom heard, "conformity to the world is almost complete", the doors to the communion table are wide open with no restrictions, discipline is extremely lax, and "the standard of morals is reduced to invisibility!"

Jackson, Thomas. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Richard Watson, Late Secretary to the Wesleyan Missionary Society. New-York: T. Mason and G. Lane, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1836. [9227] $65.  

Johnston, L. A. The Augustana Synod: A Brief Review of its History, 1860-1910. Rock Island, Ill.: Augustana Book Concern, (1910). First Edition. [9263] $25.

Kidd, James. Morality and Religion: Being the Kerr Lectures for 1893-4. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1895. First Edition. [9271]  $30. 

Johnson, Mary Stoddard. A Successful Business Life: Memorials of Charles Stoddard. Boston: Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, (1884). [9294] $45. A Boston merchant of marked industry and piety, Stoddard was an active Christian in Sunday School teaching and a supporter of the A. B. C. F. M. He was a trustee of Williams College, and with Williams President Mark Hopkins and Prof. Albert Hopkins, was one of the three principal men to establish the Mission Park and Haystack Prayer Meeting memorial.

McConnell, Lela G. The Pauline Ministry in the Kentucky Mountains or A Brief Account of the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association. Louisville, Kentucky: Pentecostal Publishing Company, ca. 1942. Sixth Edition. [9284] $15.

McFetridge, N. S. Calvinism in History. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1912. [9293] $20.

McHardy, Emmet; Duggan, Eileen [editor]. Blazing the Trail: Letters from the North Solomons. Sydney: Right Rev. T. J. Wade, 1935. First Edition. [9299] $20.  A poignant account of a young Catholic missionary on the island of Bougainville.

Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Norman Macleod, D.D. (2 volume set); Minister of Barony Parish, Glasgow; One of Her Majesty's Chaplains; Dean of the Chapel Royal; Dean of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1876. First Edition. [9292] $45.

Macpherson, John. Isabella Macpherson: A Devoted Life. London: Morgan and Scott, ca. 1890. First Edition. [9289] $45.  A missionary to the slums of Dundee, Scotland.

Martin, R. H. The Day: A Manual of the Christian Sabbath. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Office of The National Reform Association, 1933. First Edition. [9236]. $30.  The National Reform Association sought to promote and defend the Christian Sabbath both as a practice and as something enforced by the state (nation). Includes a review of the Sabbath laws of the various states then in force. 

Marrat, Jabez. Robert Moffat: African Missionary. London: T. Woolmer, ca. 1885. [9249] $20. 

Merritt, T. The Convert's Guide and Preacher's Assistant, in two parts. New-York: Lane & Scott, for the Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1849. Second Edition, Revised by the Editor. [9226] $65.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Congregational Association of Oregon. Held at Forest Grove, commencing June 18th and ending June 21st, 1868. Salem, Oregon: A. L. Stinson, Book and Job Printer, 1868. First Edition. [9133] $100.

Minutes of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington Territory, Held at Oregon City, Oregon, Commencing June 20th and ending June 23d, 1878; Together with the Essays Read, and the Minutes of the Oregon Home Missionary Society.Portland, Oregon: Printing Establishment of Himes the Printer, 1878. First Edition. [9134]. $65.

Neill, Henry. A Letter to the Editors of the American Presbyterian and Genesee Evangelist. Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, 1858. First Edition. [9145] $200.  An Appeal to New School Presbyterians to reject Abolitionists.

Niccolls, Samuel J. God's Hand Among the People: A Sermon delivered on Thanksgiving Day, by Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls, at the Presbyterian Church, Thursday, November 26, 1863. Chambersburg, Pa.: Printed at the Office of the Franklin Repository, 1863. First Edition. [9143]  $200.  Rev. Niccolls describes the 1862 Confederate raid on Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and their recent defeat at Gettysburg:

Nineveh and the Tigris. London: The Religious Tract Society, ca 1845. [9253]  $35. A history of Nineveh and its environs, as well as descriptive accounts of travel and exploration. 

O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey. A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts Thereof Printed in America previous to 1860; With Introduction and Bibliographical Notes. Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing, nd. Limited Edition Facsimile. [9302]  $40.  This indispensable reference includes Bibles of all languages printed in America previous to 1860. The 54-page Introduction presents a history of Bible printing in America; next is a chart of "Some of the Errors and Variations found in modern Douay Bibles"; and the annotated chronological compilation of Bibles includes those in English, German, Latin, Greek, &c., as well as of American Indian translations of the Bible or portions thereof.

Richard, Henry; Herbert, T. M.; Avering, Thomas W.; Farrar, Frederic W.; et al. Seven bound pamphlets, English Congregationalists 1872-1878. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1877. [9252].  $65.  Please open the link to see the list of pamphlets bound in.

Rodgers, Ravaud K. Thanksgiving: A Sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church, Bound Brook, N. J., November 28th, 1861, The Day of Thanksgiving Appointed by the Governor of the State. New-Brunswick, N. J.: Terhune & Van Anglen's Press, 1861. First Edition. [9139] $200.  American Civil War sermon.  He quotes the views of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson on the permanence of the UNION and that no individual state had the right to secede from it. "To say that any State may at pleasure secede from the Union, is to say that the United States is not a nation." - Andrew Jackson.

Rowan, Edgar. Wilson Carlile and the Church Army: Third and Revised Edition, with Portraits and Illustrations. London: Church Army Bookroom, 1928. Third Edition. [9266]. $15.  An Anglican street evangelism ministry modeled after the Salvation Army.

Schofield, A .T. Husband and Wife. London: Pickering & Inglis, ca. 1920. [9235] $95. This book on practical marriage matters was written by an M.D. and published by a Christian firm. It includes a chapter on The Eugenics of Marriage, eugenics just then being a new science.

Scougal, Henry. The Life of God in the Soul of Man; or, the Nature and Excellency of the Christian Religion; With recommendatory Prefaces by Bishop Burnet, and William Wishart, principal of the college of Edenburgh [sic]. Catskill, [NY]: Printed by Nathan Elliot, 1807. [9243] $200.  An inspiring book and a collectible New York imprint.

Seward, Theodore F.; Allen, Chester D.; Mason, Lowell. The Coronation: A New Collection of Music for Choirs and Singing Schools. New York and Chicago: Biglow & Maine, 1872. First Edition. [9177] $35.

Smyth, Thomas. Solace for Bereaved Parents: or Infants Die to Live. With an Historical Account of The Doctrine of Infant Salvation; Also, very full Selections from various Authors, in Prose and Poetry. New York: Robert Carter, 1846. First Edition. [9274] $95.

Smith, Joseph T. Address of the Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Old School Presbyterian Church, during the past Five Years, on the State of the Country; Delivered by Request, in the Central Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, on Thursday Evening, June 21, 1866.Baltimore: Wm. K. Boyle, Printer, 1866. First Edition. [9130] $200.  Is the Old School Presbyterian Church Apostate for Supporting the Union during the Civil War?

Stewart, Alexander. Roman Dogma and Scripture Truth: The Protestant Institute Lectures for 1930-31; With a Foreword by D. Hay Fleming, LL.D. Edinburgh: W. F. Henderson, 1931. [9241]

Sprague, William B. A Sermon delivered in connection with the Anniversary of the Foreign Evangelical Society, in the Reformed Dutch Church, Lafayette Place, New-York, on Sabbath evening, May 7, 1843; And subsequently repeated, by request of said Society, in Albany and Philadelphia. New-York: John S. Taylor & Co., 1843. First Edition. [9142] $30.

Sprague, William B. Causes of an Unsuccessful Ministry: Two Sermons, addressed to the Second Presbyterian Church in the City of Albany, August 30, 1829; The Sabbath Immediately succeeding the Author's Induction as their Pastor. Albany: Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1829. First Edition. [9141] $35.

Streeter, Burnett Hillman. The Primitive Church: Studied with special reference to the Origins of the Christian Ministry; Lectures Delivered on the Hewett Foundation. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929. First Edition. [9237] $20.  In this book Streeter argues for three systems of church government (not one) in the primitive church.  

Talbot, C. H. [editor and translator]. The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany: Being the Lives of SS. Willibrord, Boniface, Sturm, Leoba and Lebuin, together with the Hodoeporicon of St. Willibald and a selection from the correspondence of St. Boniface. London and New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954. First Edition. [9300] $35.

Tourjee, Eben [editor]. The Tribute of Praise: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public and Social Worship, and for use in the Family Circle and Sabbath School. New York: Nelson and Phillips, 1874. First Edition. [9220] $45.  Methodist.

The Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1849. New York: Published for the Board, 1849. First Edition. [9140] $65.  Lists the new missionaries sent out and has reports from the following missions: Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, Iowa and Sac, Otoe and Omaha, Chippewa and Ottawa, Liberia, Settra Kroo, India (Lodiana, Saharunpur, Sabathu, Ambala, & Jalandar), Furrukhabad, Allahabad, Siam, Canton, Amoy, Ningpo, Papal Europe, Missions to the Jews.

Uhlhorn, Gerhard. The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism; Edited and Translated with the Author's Sanction from the Third German Edition by Egbert C. Smith and C. J. H. Ropes. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, (1879). First English Language Edition. [9282] $25.

[Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt]. "One Faith:" or Bishop Doane vs. Bishop M'Ilvaine on Oxford Theology; exhibited in extracts from the writings of the Diocesans of New Jersey and Ohio. By a Presbyterian. Burlington: J. L. Powell, Printer, 1843. First Edition. [9146] $45.

[Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt]. The Apostasy of Mr. Newman, and some traces of Newmania on New Jersey Soil. By a Presbyterian. Burlington, N. J.: anonymous, 1845. First Edition. [9137]. $45.

Vassar, T. E.; Gordon, A. J. Uncle John Vassar; or, The Fight of Faith; By his nephew, Rev. T. E. Vassar; With an Introduction, by Rev. A. J. Gordon, D. D. New York: The American Tract Society, 1879. First Edition. [9250] $20. "The memoir of 'Uncle John' is the most thrilling bit of Christian biography of the time. It is an inspiration for any one to read it. For myself, I turned from its pages thanking God for such a nineteenth-century apostle, and with a great new desire to serve his Master and mine." - Rev. Geo. F. Pentecost.

Wicklein, Edward C. Badger Kirk, Volume 1. NP: Edward C. Wicklein, 1974. First Edition. [9279] $35. A Wisconsin history of the Associate Reformed Church of North America; Associate Reformed Church of the West (later of America); Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America; Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod; United Presbyterian Church of North America, with Historical Sketches of each Congregation, 1840-1958.  

Williams, John. A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands; with Remarks on the Natural History of the Islands, Origin, Languages, Traditions, and Usages of the Inhabitants; Illustrated with Engravings on Wood, by G. Baxter. New-York: D. Appleton & Co., (1837). First American Edition. [9233] $295. Includes the author's visits to the Hervey Islands, New South Wales, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, etc. Two years following the publication of this work, in November, 1839, while visiting a part of the New Hebrides where John Williams was unknown, he and fellow missionary James Harris were killed and eaten by cannibals on the island of Erromango during an attempt to bring them the Gospel.


Adams, John; Congress of the US; Washington, George. The Constitution of the State of Massachusetts, and that of the United States; the Declaration of Independence, with President Washington's Farewell Address. Boston: Printed by Order of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts | Printed for the State, by Manning & Loring, 1805. [9193] $195. 

Bigelow, John. Memoir of the Life and Public Services of John Charles Fremont; Including an Account of his Explorations, Discoveries and Adventures in the successive Expeditions across the North American Continent; Voluminous Selections from his Private and Public Correspondence; his Defence before the Court Martial, and Full Reports of his principal Speeches in the Senate of the United States. With Spirited Illustrations, and an accurate Portrait on Steel. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1856. First Edition. [9291] $25.

Blackman, Emily C. History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. From a period preceding its Settlement to Recent Times, including tha Annals and Geography of each Township. With Maps and numerous Illustrations. Also, a Sketch of Woman's Work in the County for the United States Sanitary Commission, and a List of the Soldiers of the National Army furnished by many of the Townships. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1873. First Edition. [9298]  $95.  Includes an account of Joseph Smith of Mormon fame, and his diggings near Great Bend.  Flake 547.

Bundy, J. M. The Nation's Hero - In Memoriam: The Life of James Abram Garfield, Twentieth President of the United States; With an Account of the President's Death and Funeral Obsequies. New York: A. S. Barns & Co., 1881. First Edition. [9286] $20.

Demeritt, Emma W. Law. The Alarm: A Narrative of the British Invasion of Connecticut, 1777; Drawings and Fotos by W. F. Weed. New Canaan, Connecticut: John E. Hersam, Printer and Publisher | The Advertiser Press, 1910. Limited Edition. One of 1,000 copies. [9219]. $85. Cover title: The Alarm: How one Philip Lester carried the same from His home in Saugatuck to Ridgefield by way of Canaan Parish At the time of the Burning of Danbury and of His Perilous Adventure with the British after The Battle of Ridgefield, A.D., 1777.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Lowell, J. R.; et al. The United States Magazine and Democratic Review. New Series, Volume XV. 1844. New York: Henry G. Langley, 1844. First Edition. [9190] $45.

Headley, J. T. The Chaplains and Clergy of The Revolution. New York: Charles Scribner, 1864. [9247] $65.  This work contains both biographies and sermons.

Holland, J. G. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Mass.: Gurdon Bill, 1866. First Edition. [9251] $65. 

Lester, C. Edward. Life and Public Services of Charles Sumner; Sold Only By Subscription. New York: United States Publishing Company, 1874. First Edition. [9246] $25. Charles Sumner (1811-1874), US Senator from Massachusetts, formidable orator and a leader of the Radical Republicans, famously caned in the US Senate by Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina in May of 1856. 

Lincoln, Robert W. Lives of the Presidents of the United States; with Biographical Notices of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence; Sketches of the most Remarkable Events in the History of the Country, from its Discovery to the Present Time; and a General View of its Present Condition; Embellished with A Portrait of Each of the Presidents, and Forty-five Engravings. New-York: N. Watson & Co., 1836. [9260]. $95.

McFarland, Lloyd [editor & illustrator]. Exploring the Northern Plains, 1804-1876. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd, 1955. First Edition. [9283] $20.  Thirty-six different accounts of exploration arranged chronologically, from the Lewis & Clark Expedition to Lt. Edward Maguire of the Battle of Little Bighorn.

Memoirs of the Life, Adventures, and Military Exploits of Israel Putnam, Senior Major-General in the Revolutionary Army of the United States, and next in Rank to General Washington. Ithaca, [NY]: Mack, Andrus, & Woodruff, 1839. [9280] $45.

Miner, Charles. History of Wyoming, in a Series of Letters, from Charles Miner, to his son William Penn Miner, Esq. Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1845. First Edition. [9278]  $65.  The Wyoming Massacre & Revolutionary War history of central Pennsylvania.  This rebound copy is considerably cheaper than our other listing of this title.

Monaghan, Jay. Lincoln Bibliography 1839-1939 (2 volume set); Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library vols. xxxi & xxxii.Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Historical Library, 1943 & 1945. First Edition. [9276].  $45.Are you researching or collecting Abraham Lincoln?  You need this.

Reynolds, Grindall.  A Collection of Historical and other Papers by Rev. Grindall Reynolds, D.D., to which are added, Seven of his Sermons. Concord, Massachusetts: Published by the Editor, 1895. First Edition. [9272] $45.  Essays on the history of Concord, Massachusetts.

Rogers, Joseph M. The True Henry Clay (The True Series); With Twenty-four Illustrations. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1904. First Edition, First Printing. [9287] $25.

Selections from The Easton Press Library of the Presidents series, all in splendid full-leather bindings:  Calvin Coolidge [9312] $35,  Warren G. Harding [9311] $35,  McKinley [9310] $35, Millard Fillmore [9309] $45, James Buchanan [9308] $45, James K. Polk [9307] $30, Garfield [9306] $35, Andrew Jackson [9305] $65, Martin Van Buren [9304] $35, and James Monroe [9309] $35.  These books are all in new condition and come with an unused bookplate & the collector's notes.

Upham, Charles Wentworth. Life, Explorations and Public Service of John Charles Fremont. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1856. First Edition; Thirtieth Thousand. [9277] $45.

Wallace, Lew. Life of Gen. Ben Harrison. Philadelphia &c.: Hubbard Brothers, 1888. First Edition. [9265] $25. A campaign book by the author of Ben Hur extolling the virtues of General Harrison in his run for the presidency of the United States.

Walker, Joseph B.; Buffum, Francis F. [editor]. New Hampshire and the Federal Constitution: A Memorial of the Sesquicentennial Celebration; including A History of the New Hampshire Convention, by Joseph B. Walker. Concord, N. H.: The State of New Hampshire, 1940. First Edition. [9296] $45.

Woodworth, J. B. [MAP] Preliminary Geologic Map of the Richmond Area, Virginia (1898). Baltimore: A Roen & Co., Lith., (1898). [9176]. $35. 


Allom, Thomas; Wright, G. N. The Chinese Empire Illustrated: Being a Series of Views from Original Sketches, displaying The Scenery, Architecture, Social Habits, &c., of that Ancient and Exclusive Nation (Vol I.); With Historical and Descriptive Letterpress. London & New York: The London Printing and Publishing Company, (1858). First Edition. [9261]. $450.  An illustrated volume with remarkable engravings, produced during the Second Opium War (1856-1860) between China and the allies France & Great Britain. The engravings are of very high quality. The publisher was active in London during the early and middle nineteenth century, producing a number of finely engraved illustrated books on different parts of the world.  

Anthon, Charles. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War; and the First Book of the Greek Paraphrase; with English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, Plans of Battles, Sieges, etc., and Historical, Geographical, and Archaelogical Indexes. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1841. [9181]. $20.

Atherton, Gertrude. American Wives and English Husbands: A Novel. New York: International Association of Newspapers and Authors, 1901. [9201] $15. "A beautiful San Francisco girl, half Creole, marries the son of an English peer, and their life is not immediately successful. Criticizes Americans as severely as English aristocrats." - Baker, A Guide to the Best English Fiction (1913).

Barnes, Albert. Doeg, the Edomite; or, The Informer. A Lecture on the Fifty-second Psalm, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, January 6, 1861. Philadelphia: "Not Published". Printed by Henry B. Ashmead, 1861. First Edition. [9147]  $200.  Albert Barnes' controversial sermon on the Fugitive Slave Law.

Bullions, Peter. The First Part of Jacobs' Latin Reader, adapted to Bullions' Latin Grammar; with an Introduction, on the Idioms of the Latin Language; an improved Vocabulary; and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, on a new Plan. New-York: Pratt, Woodford & Company, 1849. Fourteenth Edition. [9185] $25.

Bullions, Peter. Select Orations of M. Tullius Cicero, with English Notes, for the use of schools and colleges. New York: Farmer, Brace & Company, 1856. Fifth Edition. [9186] $25.

Campbell, Marius R.; Mendenhall, Walter C. [MAP] Geologic Section along New and Kanawha Rivers from Hinton to Charlestown, West Virginia (1896). New York: J. Ottmann Lith. Co., (1896). [9171] $35.

Cicero; Anthon, Charles. The De Senectute, De Amicitia, Paradoxa, and Somnium Scipionis of Cicero, and The Life of Atticus, by Cornelius Nepos, with English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Charles Anthon, LL.D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1854. [9180] $20.  

Chesterton, G. K. The Coloured Lands; illustrated by the Author. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1938. First American Edition. [9240] $35.  A fine copy of the first American edition, with dust jacket, illustrated by G.K.C.

Crafts, Mrs. W. F.; [Timanus, Sara J.]. Open Letters to Primary Teachers, with Hints for Intermediate Class Teachers; By Mrs. W. F. Crafts, [Sara J. Timanus.] With an Appendix, containing Specimen Lessons and Concert Exercises for Little Children. New York: Nelson & Phillips, 1876. First Edition. [9258] $95.  "To D. L. Moody, through whose influence I became a Sunday School teacher, this little volumes is gratefully dedicated by his friend, Sara J. Crafts."

Emmons, S. F.; et al. [MAP] Geological Map of Silver Cliff and the Rosita Hills, Colorado (1896). Baltimore: A. Roen & Co. Lith., (1896). [9172]  $95.

Emmons, S. F.; et al. [MAP] Topographical Map of Silver Cliff and the Rosita Hills, Colorado (1896). Baltimore: A. Roen & Co. Lith., (1896). [9173] $35.

Goodrich, Chauncey A. Elements of Greek Grammar: Used in Yale College; Heretofore published as the Grammar of Caspar Frederic Hachenberg. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke & Co., 1828. Fourth Edition, Enlarged and Improved. [9184] $65.

Greeley, Horace. Hints Toward Reforms, in Lectures, Addresses, and other Writings; Second Edition, Enlarged, with The Crystal Palace and Its Lessons. New York: Fowlers and Wells, 1853. Second Edition. [9262] $95. A collection of essays focused upon the reform causes that interested the author, including those of labor, character-building, teachers and teaching, temperance, the death penalty, land and homestead reform, flogging in the navy, slavery, tobacco, &c.

Hawks, Francis L. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, (3 volume set) performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy. Washington: A. O. P. Nicholson, Printer, 1856. First Edition. [9314].  $950  With over 100 gorgeous litho & chromolithographed plates.

Jefferis, B. G.; Nichols, J. L. Search Lights on Health: Light on Dark Corners, A Complete Sexual Science and A Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood; Advice to Maiden, Wife, and Mother; Love, Courtship and Marriage. Naperville, Ill.: J. L. Nichols & Co., 1896. [9248] $35.  The work is a rather late statement of Victorian morals combined with the end-of-the-century penchant for sensationalism. It combines examples of what were seen as the ideals of womanhood and marriage with dire warnings against sexual and sensual enjoyments.

Lindgren, W.; et al. [MAP] Geological Map of the Nevada City and Grass Valley Mining Districts, Nevada Co., California (1896). New York: J. Ottmann Lith. Co., (1896). [9174] $35. 

Livy; Anthon, Charles; Craig, Hugh. TITI LIVI ab urbe condita Libri I. II. XXI, et XXII. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882. [9182] $30.

Madame de Puisieux. Conseils a Une Amie, Par Madame de P. with bookplate of Jacobi Solis Cohen. Np: Np, 1749. First Edition. [9256] $200. 

[MAP] Geological Sketch Map of the Black Hills of Dakota (1898). Baltimore: A Roen & Co., Lith., (1898). [9176] $35.

Olmsted, Denison. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy: designed as a Text Book, for the Use of the Students in Yale College (2 volume set). New Haven: Printed by B. L. Hamlen, 1838. Third Edition. [9229] $95.  

Sallust; Anthon, Charles. Sallust's Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline, with an English Commentary, and Geographical and Historical Indexes. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1854. Tenth Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. [9183] $20.

Sullivan, May Kellogg. The Trail of a Sourdough: Life in Alaska. Boston: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press, 1910. First Edition. [9275] $20.  This is her second book, a collection of stories based upon her Alaskan experiences. By 1910, she had taken seven trips in Alaska over ten years. The titles are, The Miner's Reasons, Under the Tundra, The Hidden Ledge, A New Klondyke, Estella the Eskimo, Why Midas Failed, The Old Stone House, A Miner's Own Story, and Eyllen's Water Witch.  

Treviranus, Gottfried Reinhold. Biologie, oder Philosophie der lebenden Natur für Naturforscher und Aerzte (2 vols). Gottingen: Johann Friedrich Rower, 1814 & 1822. [9230]. $125. Two volumes of the author's famous work on natural history, considered to be a pre-Darwin statement of evolutionary theory, namely, that of transmutation of species.  

Webster, Daniel; Whipple, Edwin P. The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster, with an Essay on Daniel Webster as a Master of English Style, by Edwin P. Whipple. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1884. [9259] $200.  In a gorgeous half black morocco binding.

Woodworth, J. B. [MAP] Preliminary Geologic Map of the Richmond Area, Virginia (1898). Baltimore: A Roen & Co., Lith., (1898). [9176] $35.


The Latin choir book is here.  You will find links on the page (above the photos) for the binding, first table, the first 100 leaves, and a Miscellaneous link showing examples from the latter half of the book.  Be sure to check that link because we think it has some of the most interesting matter in the entire volume.


Thanks very much for taking a look, and we hope that you found some items to add to your collection!

Steve & Susan

Haaswurth Books