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July 2023 ~ Books recently added to the Haaswurth Books inventory

Here is a rather eclectic list of books that have been added to inventory these past few weeks.  Categories include religion, Americana, biography, science, medicine, & history.

As a reminder, we will be running our annual sale the first week of August - we will email you when it is in effect.

This list is sorted high to low price, with the majority of the books priced under $50, and many priced under $25.

Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College with Annals of the College History (3 vols) Volume I: October, 1701-May, 1745; Volume II. May, 1745-May, 1763; Volume III: May, 1763-July, 1778. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1885-1903. [9458].  The set is no. 1486 in Roberts, Revival Literature: An Annotated Bibliography. "Jonathan Barber, David Brainerd, Samuel Buell, James Davenport, Jonathan Dickinson, Timothy Dwight, Jonathan Edwards, John Eliot, Jonathan Parsons, Benjamin Pomeroy, Nathan Strong, Gilbert Tennent, Eleazar Wheelock, and George Whitefield, and a host of other revival men are considered."

Henry, Lord Brougham; Wylde, James [editor]. The Circle of the Sciences: With an Introductory Discourse of the Objects, Pleasures, and Advantages of Science (4 volume set).  London & New York: The London Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, ca. 1870. [9460].  Thousands of illustrations and many plates.

Weems, Mason L. God's Revenge Against Adultery, Awfully Exemplified in the Following Cases of Amer. Crim. Con. I. The Accomplished Dr. Theodore Wilson, (Delaware,) who for Seducing Mrs. Nancy Wiley, had his Brains Blown out by her Husband. II. The Elegant James O'Neale, Esq. (North Carolina,) who for Seducing the Beautiful Miss Matilda L'Estrange, was Killed by her Brother. Philadelphia: Joseph Allen, 1828. [9423]

Boyle, Esmeralda. The Story of Felice. London: Trübner & Co., 1873.  This rare book is a love story set during the American Civil War.  [9416]

Thomson, Sir William; Tait. Treatise on Natural Philosophy (2 volumes); Vol. I Part I. & Vol. I. Part II. (New Edition). Cambridge: At the University Press, 1879 & 1883.  [9419]

A Gentleman (R. S.). Jachin and Boaz: or an Authentic Key to the Door of Free-Masonry, Ancient and Modern, Calculated, Not only for the instruction of every new Mason, but also, for the information of all who intend to become brethren; Illustrated with A beautiful frontispiece of the Regalia, Jewels and Emblematical Ornaments belonging to Masonry; and an accurate Plan of the drawing on the floor of a Lodge. Interspersed with a variety of Notes and Remarks, Necessary to explain and render the whole clear to the meanest capacity. New-York: E. Duyckinck, 1814. [9451]. A defective copy of a scarce title.

Stillé, Alfred; Maisch, John M. The National Dispensatory: containing the Natural History, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions and Uses of Medicines, including those recognized in the Pharmacopoeias of the United States and Great Britain; With two hundred and one illustrations. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1879. First Edition. [9459]

Johnson, Samuel; Boswell, James; Hill, George Birkbeck [editor]. Boswell's Life of Johnson (6 volume set); Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1887. [9466]

Coughlin, Charles E. 8 Books by Father Coughlin, Radio Addresses. Royal Oak, Michigan: The Radio League of the Little Flower | The National Union for Social Justice, 1931-1940. First Editions. [9431]

Lawyer, William S. [editor]. Binghamton: Its Settlement, Growth and Development and the Factors in its History, 1800-1900. Century Memorial Publishing Co., 1900. First Edition. [9452]

Johnson, Crisfield. Centennial History of Erie County, New York; Being its Annals from the Earliest Recorded Events to the Hundredth Year of American Independence. Buffalo, N. Y.: Printing House of Matthews & Warren, Office of the "Buffalo Commercial Advertiser", 1876. First Edition. [9463]

Du Chaillu, Paul B. The Land of the Midnight Sun (2 volume set): Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland; With Map and 235 Illustrations. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882. [9467]

Rantoul, Robert, Jr. April 19, 1775: An Oration by Robert Rantoul, Jr., and Account of the Union Celebration, at Concord, Nineteenth April, 1850; Delivered before the Massachusetts Legislature, and Published by their Order. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, Printers, 1850. First Edition. [9430]

Old Order Mennonite Brethren. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns suited to the Various Occasions of Public Worship; Compiled by a number of Old Order Mennonite Brethren. Dayton, Va.: Pleasant View and Oak Grove Mennonite Congregations, 1955. [9453].  Includes 12 pp. of shape-note tunes.

Constitution of the United States of America with the Amendments Thereto:...&c. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1886. First Edition.  [9425]

Holland, William M. The Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren, Vice President of the United States. Hartford: Belknap & Hamersley, 1836. Second Edition. [9441].  A campaign biography designed to promote Van Buren's election to the Presidency.

Thayer, William M. Marvels of the New West: A Vivid Portrayal of the Stupendous Marvels in the vast Wonderland West of the Missouri River; Six Books in One Volume, comprising the Marvels of Nature, Marvels of Race, Marvels of Enterprise, Marvels of Mining, Marvels of Stock-Raising, and Marvels of Agriculture. Illustrated with over three hundred and fifty fine engravings and maps. Norwich, Conn.: The Henry Bill Publishing Company, 1890. [9444]

[Stearns, William Augustus]. Adjutant Stearns. Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, (1862). [9448]. We sold a copy of this recently and are happy to have another in stock.  The life of Frazer Augustus Stearns (1840-1862), who was killed at the battle of New Bern, North Carolina; a Union victory led by Brigadier General Ambrose Burnside.  His father was William Augustus Stearns, D. D., President of Amherst College.

The Illustrated Book of Scottish Songs from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. London: Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. Second Edition. [9450]

Mackenzie, John. Day-Dawn in Dark Places: A Story of Wanderings and Work in Bechwanaland. London, Paris, & New York: Cassell & Company, Limited, (1883). First Edition. [9447].  "The life of a missionary in the interior of Southern Africa is usually attended with stirring incident and adventure. Whilst pursuing the great work of evangelist he meets with game and wild beasts in the open country; with wild and degraded men in town and village. He uses waggons [sic], guns, horses, and oxen; he handles trowel, plumb-line, adze, saw, and spirit-level, as well as the usual implements of a minister's study." - Preface.

Draper, John William. Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1865. First Edition. [9426]

Brockett, L. P. Battle-Field and Hospital; or, Lights and Shadows of the Great Rebellion; Including Thrilling Adventures, Daring Deeds, Heroic Exploits, and Wonderful Escapes of Spies and Scouts, together with the Songs, Ballads, Anecdotes, and Humorous Incidents of the War. New York City: Union Publishing House, [ca. 1880]. [9428]

Sims, A. The Common Use of Tobacco Condemned by Physicians, Experience, Common Sense and the Bible. Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada: Rev. A. Sims, (1894). [9442].  Albert Sims (1851-1935), b. Townsend, Gloucestershire, England; d. Toronto, Canada. Sims was a Primitive Methodist and a Free Methodist (FMC) "minister, evangelist, editor, publisher, and author. Converted in 1869, Sims entered the ministry of the Primitive Methodist Church in 1874. In that year, he was sent as a missionary to Canada, where he rapidly emerged as a church leader. In 1879, following his experience of entire sanctification at an FMC camp meeting at Tonawanda, New York, Sims entered the ministry of the FMC."

Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster (2 volume set). New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889. Fifth Edition. [9465]

Stegman, Lewis R. In Memoriam: Alexander Stewart Webb, 1835-1911; Cover title: Webb and His Brigade at the Angle, Gettysburg. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, Printers, 1916. First Edition. [9439]

The Records of the Town of Cambridge (formerly Newtowne) Massachusetts, 1630-1703; The Records of the Town Meetings, and of the Selectmen, comprising all of the First Volume of Records, and being Volume II. of the Printed Records of the Town. Cambridge: Printed by Order of the City Council under the Direction of the City Clerk, 1901. [9440.  New England Puritan civil government as it was.

Blodgett, Bertha Eveleth. Stories of Cortland County (C. C. H. S. Publication No. 1); Litho-print edition with notes and indexes by the Cortland County Historical Society, Frank Place, Editor. Cortland, N. Y.: Cortland County Historical Society, 1952. [9443]

The Gravel Pit, and Its Lessons. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, ca. 1850. [9456]. A boy of 15 who is hunting partridges on a Sunday afternoon, occasions upon the minister of the local church, who warns him against such wrongdoing. On his way home he stumbles into a deep gravel pit and is injured. He lays injured through the night, and dreams of an encounter with Jesus, who challenges him with the words, "Lovest thou me?" The next day, a group of friends, discussing the sermon recently heard, head out for a picnic, only to discover and rescue the injured boy. 

[Masonic] Dunlap, M. E. Robert P. Address delivered before the General Grand Chapter of the United States, at The Triennial Meeting in the City of Hartford, Connecticut, September 9, 1856. Portland, [ME]: Published by Order of the General Grand Chapter | Ira Berry, Printer, 177 Fore St., Portland, 1856. First Edition. [9461].  A discourse lauding the contributions and accomplishments of Freemasons in the founding and building up of America. Speaks of Lafayette and George Washington as examples of heroic Freemasons.

Gladstone, William Ewart; Lathbury, D. C. [editor]. Correspondence on Church and Religion of William Ewart Gladstone (2 volume set); Selected and Arranged by D. C. Lathbury; with Portraits and Illustrations. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. First Edition, First Printing. [9464].  
The letters treat with the relations between Church and State, the principle of State Establishment, preparations for Disestablishment, the Oxford Movement, controversies in the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Oxford elections, the secessions of 1845 and 1851, controversy with Rome and the erection of Papal Infallibility, controversy with unbelief, and the importance of dogma in education.

Sermons of the Log College; Being Sermons and Essays by the Tennents and their Contemporaries. A Soli Deo Gloria reprint.

Sigourney, L. H. Margaret and Henrietta. New York: American Tract Society, 1852. [9421].  A memoir of Margaret and Henrietta Flower, the daughters of Hon. Ebenezer and Ann Flower of Hartford, Connecticut, born 1819 & 1822. They both died of illness in 1834. This is a record of their Christian lives, testimonies and death.

King, Moses; Sweetser, M. F. King's Handbook of the United States; Over Twenty-Six Hundred Illustrations & Fifty-Three Colored Maps. Buffalo, N. Y.: The Matthews-Northrup Co., 1896. [9424]

Boston, Thomas. Human Nature in its Fourfold State; of Primitive Depravity, Entire Depravity, Begun Recovery and Consummate Happiness or Misery. Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1989. Reprint.  A very good copy.

Drinker, Frederick E. Our War for Human Rights: being An Intensely Human and Brilliant Account of the World War and Why and For What Purpose America and the Allies are Fighting; Including The Horrors and Wonders of Modern Warfare, The New and Strange Devices that Have Come into Use, etc. (Washington, DC): (National Publishing Co.), (1917). [9435]

Elson, Henry W. The Civil War Through the Camera: Hundreds of Vivid Photographs Actually Taken in Civil War Times, Sixteen Reproductions in Color of Famous War Paintings; The New Text History by Henry W. Elson, Professor of History, Ohio University; A Complete Illustrated History of the Civil War. New York: McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, (1912). [9437]

Lambert, T. S. Practical Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology; Hygiene and Therapeutics; Illustrated by Five Color Plates and over One Hundred Wood Engravings. New-York: Leavitt and Company, 1850. [9457]

Arthur, T. S. [editor]. Words of Cheer for The Tempted, the Toiling, and the Sorrowing. Troy, N. Y.: G. G Brooks, 1859. [9427]  A collection of 54 stories, essays, and poems designed to comfort and to cheer the afflicted.

Hoffman, Frank Sargent. The Sphere of the State or The People as a Body-Politic: With Special Consideration of certain Present Problems. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons / The Knickerbocker Press, 1909. Third Edition, Revised. [9429]

McKinley, William; Drake, John N.; Russell, William E.; et al. A Practical Book for Practical People, by a Corps of Special Writers. Albany, N. Y. & Springfield, O.: The Eagle Publishing Company, (1895). First Edition. [9436]. Soup to nuts; discusses everything from tariffs to growing potatoes.  A copy of this was one of the first books in Steve's collection, when a wee lad (William McKinley signed it for him).  

Ollard, S. L.; Crosse, Gordon. A Dictionary of English Church History; with two maps. London & Milwaukee: A. R. Mowbray and Co., Ltd, 1912. First Edition, First Impression. [9449]

The Royal Oak; or, The Reformed Village. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, ca. 1850. [9455].  The royal oak of the story is a tree overlooking the town square, courthouse, jail, and "rum shop." It is set in America. A temperance tale, the story tells of how the town was reformed and drinking and gambling put down.

Cuyler, Rev. Theo. L. [Introduction]. Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven: From Poetic and Prose Literature of all Ages and all Lands; With an Introduction, by Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler, D. D. Illustrated. Philadelphia &c.: Bradley, Garretson & Co., &c., 1882. Revised and Enlarged. [9445]

McRoberts, Duncan; Ironside, H. A. [introduction]. While China Bleeds; Introduction by H. A. Ironside. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1943. Third Edition. [9446].  This is harrowing account of the Japanese invasion of China and their treatment of Christians.

Metcalfe, Richard L. "Bishop Sunbeams" and Other Stories of Service. Lincoln, Nebraska: The Woodruff-Collins Press, 1909. Second Edition. [9454].  Inspirational stories from Nebraska, including "McGuffey and His Pupils."

Neilson, Charles, Esq. The Original, Compiled and Corrected Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the Memorable Battles of Bemis's Heights, Sept 19, and Oct. 7, 1777, from the most authentic Sources of Information; Including many Interesting Incidents of the Same. Bemis Heights, New York: Charles Neilson, 1926. [9462].  A reprint of the edition of 1844, published by J. Munsell, in Albany, New York.

Thanks for having a look, and we hope your day is grand!

Steve & Susan

Haaswurth Books