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October, 2022 New Arrivals ~ Theology, Hymnals, Americana, Exploration

We have been busy adding to our inventory and want to show you some of our finds.

Dr. Smoak's hymnal collection is slowly being added to our site as well.  To see what is for sale today, please view our Hymnals & Music page.  Many of the items in that catalogue are from his collection.  We have also added several to the list below.

Also, we are compiling a list of all of his books, those sold and those unsold.  This will remain on our website for researchers and collectors to access at anytime.  The beginnings of it are at this link.  It will need quite a lot of time and work to complete, and there will be tune books, other denominations, &c. to add in the future.  Please feel free to link to it if you think that would be of use to your colleagues.

Ok, so, here we go.  This is a mixed list of theology, exploration, literature, music, and history.  The books are listed with the highest prices first, descending.

A scholarly study by probably the most prominent scholar of primitive Christianity in his day, Richard Montagu, his The Acts and Monuments of The Church before Christ Incarnate (1642).  A study primarily of the prophecies of Jacob and Daniel, with Montagu concluding that the 70 weeks of Daniel had been completely fulfilled during the days of Christ on the earth.

New York Manuscript Records, War of the Revolution (2 vol set) 1868

Manchester. Conference Hymns (1829) Rare Six Principle Baptist Hymnal

Smith & Northrup. Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs (1805) Baptist Hymnal, Cooperstown NY

Smith & Northrup. Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs 1799 Baptist Hymnal

With a signed note by the author, Mary Livermore, My Story of the War: A Woman's Narrative of Four Years Personal Experience as Nurse in the Union Army; and in Relief Work at Home, in Hospitals, Camps, and at the Front, during the War of the Rebellion. With Anecdotes, Pathetic Incidences, and Thrilling Reminiscences portraying the Lights and Shadows of Hospital Life and the Sanitary Service of the War. (1896)

Smith & Northrup.  Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs (1811) Baptist Hymnal

Smith & Northrup.  Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs (1797) Baptist Hymnal

Freeman. A Selection of Hymns: including A Few Originals 1830 Baptist Revivals

Guernsey. A Collection of Hymns, 1843 Baptist Revival Hymnal, Ohio

Daniel Dodge. A Selection of Hymns & Psalms (1808) Baptist Hymnal

A Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs (1828) Methodist Camp Meeting Hymnal

The famous, (to some infamous) William Laud and his Debate with the Jesuit Mr. Fisher on the Infallibility of the Church, A Relation of The Conference betweene William Lawd, Then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: And Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, by the Command of King James (1639)

Tillinghast & Knight. The Old Baptist Hymn Book Six Principle Baptists (1842) Leather binding.

Tillinghast & Knight. The Old Baptist Hymn Book: Six Principle Baptists 1842.  This copy with printed yellow paper over card.

William C. Manchester. Songs of Zion, or Conference Hymns (1835) Baptist Hymnal

Hart, J. Hymns, composed on various subjects (1822) Baptist Hymnal

Elkanah Holmes. A Church Covenant; including a Summary of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Gospel (with 11 hymns) 1818

Broaddus, Andrew. The Virginia Selection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (1857)

The Works Of the Most Reverend John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (volume 2) 1712

Himes & Wilson. A Selection of Hymns, from the Best Authors (1817) New Light Baptist Hymnal

Himes & Wilson. A Selection of Hymns (1818) New Light Baptist Revival Hymnal

A handsome set in leather bindings of James Fenimore Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales, in five volumes (1872)

A very good copy of The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts, arranged by Dr. Rippon; with Dr. Rippon's Selection (1827 & 1831)

Some Thoughts on the Doctrine of Justification: to which is subjoined, A Few Remarks on the Holy Scriptures: together with An Outline of the Christian's Character and Fidelity, an Ithaca, NY imprint (1826)

Travels & Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories Between the Years 1760 and 1776 (1901).  Howes H420, "Authentic narrative of fur-trading among Indians of the upper lakes. A miraculous escape from massacre during Pontiac's war, captivity, &c."

The Marvelous Wonders of the Polar World (1885).  A large illustrated book detailing the adventures of polar exploration.

Baron Stow, Smith, Fuller, & Jeter. The Psalmist: A New Collection of Hymns for the use of Baptist Churches, With a Supplement (1854)

The New Jubilee Harp; or, Christian Hymns and Songs (1881) Adventist Hymnal, Boston Area "Crisis" Adventists

Fur Trader Exploration in the West, 1822-1829,  The Ashley-Smith Explorations and the discovery of a Central Route to the Pacific

John Stevens, A New Selection of Hymns (1816) Baptist Hymnal

McAllister. Christian Civil Government in America: The National Reform Movement (1927). Not as common as they used to be.

The Young Man: Hints Addressed to the Young Men of the United States (1856).  With a remarkable introduction comparing the development of character in socialist Europe contrasted with the kind developed within the liberty of the United States.

Stow & Smith. The Psalmist, with Supplement by Fuller & Jeter (1847).  A very attractive binding.

Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life [Abolitionist, Underground Railroad] by Maria L. Child (1881)

John Savage treats with the 1798 & 1848 Revolutions in Ireland and their literature, in '98 and '48: The Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland (1882)

A Life of Rev. George Whitefield, from 1846

The Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Expedition (1891)

A pre-Darwin treatment of geology & fossils, Elements of Geology (Chambers' Educational Course, Number VII) 1850

Presbyterianism's finest, Samuel Miller, The Primitive and Apostolical Order of the Church of Christ Vindicated (1844)

The Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church, Virginia 1732-1952

Moses Stuart. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. William G. Schuaffler, Missionary to the Jews (1845)

We found another copy of 1836 Appeal for Presbyterian Ministers, South Carolina and Georgia

The American Arithmetic, adapted to the Currency of the United States (1821)

[Methodist Essays] A Man, by Rev. J. D. Bell (1860)

Pipe and Pouch: The Smoker's Own Book of Poetry (1891)

The Latest Word of Universalism: Thirteen Essays by Thirteen Clergymen (1878)

Rev. William Harrison uses the great clock of Westminster Abbey to teach Christian themes, in The Tongue of Time: or, the Language of a Church Clock (1866)

Dante's Inferno, Illustrated with the Designs of M. Gustave Doré (c. 1895)

A somewhat salacious exposé of the sins of Boston High Society, Rev. Morgan's Boston Inside Out! Sins of a Great City! A Story of Real Life (1880)

Our Pioneer Heroes, Daring Deeds, Indian Fighters (1884). Boone, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Harney, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, &c.

The Primitive and Apostolical Order of the Church of Christ Vindicated.  A later copy of Samuel Miller's classic in red cloth.  ca. 1870

Orpheus C. Kerr; [Newell, Robert Henry]. Smoked Glass; with illustrative anachronisms, by Thomas Worth.  (1868).  A satirical account of American life and American government in particular. The book treats of the Impeachment of President Johnson, Reconstruction, the Ku-Klux-Klan, American rail-road travel, "a grand Southern Ritualistic Wedding;" with an Appendix of speeches and evidence of the impeachment proceedings.  Orpheus C. Kerr, an amusing interpretation of the words "Office Seeker," was the pseudonym of Robert Henry Newell, an author admired by Abraham Lincoln.

Penn's Woods, 1682-1932. A fully-illustrated investigation into trees still standing since the time of William Penn. An interesting and informative method of teaching some colonial-period history of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the eastern shore of Maryland, and Delaware.  

A signed copy of A. Edward Newton's Doctor Johnson: A Play (1923).

A Baptist chaplain during the Spanish-American War records describes his service in A Chaplain's Experience Ashore and Afloat: The "Texas" Under Fire (1901)

Records of the British Army in New York, 1781 Printed in Collections of The New-York Historical Society for the year 1916.

Samuel Worcester, Christian Psalmody in Four Parts: Comprising Dr. Watts's Psalms Abridged; Dr. Watts's Hymns Abridged; Select Hymns from Other Authors; and Select Harmony, with 47 pp. of music.  Condition issues, cheap.

The Boyhood of Great Men, Intended as an Example to Youth (1876)

The Catholic Encyclopedia says of The Reliques of Father Prout, "an extraordinary mixture of erudition, fancy, and wit, such as practically without parallel in contemporary literature."

The Life of Benjamin Franklin [Alexander Anderson, Illustrator] 1848

"An authority for the conclusive settlement of a controverted question is now at hand...Did the Church of England originate under Henry VIII., or a thousand years earlier under the preaching of the missionary monk Augustine?" The Historians and the English Reformation (1910)

Rev. Pusey of Oxford Movement fame, Eleven Addresses during a retreat of The Companions of the Love of Jesus, 1868

Beauties and Achievements of the Blind (1865)

Religious Periodicals of the United States: Academic and Scholarly Journals.  A fine reference for the collector or academic, cheap price.  We keep a copy in our reference library.

"Light and Love" : A Sketch of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Justin Edwards, D. D. Ca. 1870.  Rough copy, el cheapo.

Witsius, Herman. Sacred Dissertations on the Lords Prayer.  A very good ex-lib copy.

Advice, technique, tactics, for personal evangelism.  Personal Work, by S. M. Sayford (1899)

We hope you found a few things to add to your collection!

Steve and Susan

Haaswurth Books