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Haaswurth Books ~ January 2022 New Arrivals

This is our first general booklist of the year, with some news & lots of books.

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eBay customers: we are not now and will not be for the foreseeable future adding new books to our eBay listings.  Recent changes at eBay have made that a paid, rather than a free, process for us.  Please check the New Additions at our website every so often for our latest books.  Here is that search.

There is a new project here that we are excited about.  We are researching an enormous book of church music in Latin, to eventually be put out for sale or auction.  About 300 vellum pages, illuminated, here are a few pictures.  Please contact us if you can shed some light on the origin of this enormous volume.  Should be fun!

We have added many more hymnals and tunebooks to our Hymnal & Music catalogue.  Almost all of the oblong tunebooks in the list at this point are either of the 4 or 7 shape-note systems, with a few being the more uncommon numerical notation system.

The only shape-note tunebook that is not oblong is W. R. Rhinehart's The American Church Harp, a Brethren tunebook published in Dayton, Ohio, in 1856.

If you are only interested in the earlier 4-note shape-note tunebooks, they will appear if you search the site for Stanislaw.  One Italian language book also appears in the search, but the rest are the tunebooks.  Here is a link to that search.

If you are interested in a cheap, slightly shabby 19th century set of Jonathan Edwards's Works, we have one, just one.  The Works of Jonathan Edwards in Four Volumes (1869).

Here are a few books by category, followed by singles in theology/history.

Alaska & Klondike Gold Rush

Klondike: The Chicago Record's Book for Gold Seekers (1897).  "The Chicago Record newspaper published what is arguably the best known of all Klondike guidebooks. The advertising matter in the back of the volume proudly narrates how the newspaper's on-the-spot reporters covered every aspect of the Yukon gold mania from the beginning...Put together quickly to capitalize on the great discovery, the thick volume provided detailed information for would-be stampeders on routes, outfits, geography and climate, the richness of the placers, hints for miners, mining laws, gold pan values, mail service, and life in Dawson City."  - Kurutz.

Klondyke Facts: being a Complete Guide Book to the Gold Regions of the great Canadian Northwest Territories and Alaska, by Joseph Ladue (1897).   "Klondyke Facts ranks as one of the essential books on the Klondike. The first part of this expanded work repeats the text found in Ladue's slightly earlier work, Klondyke Nuggets...Ladue had been a prospector in the region since 1882, and after learning of the Bonanza Creek discovery, he founded Dawson City. He smartly opened a sawmill at this epicenter of the Klondike, anticipating a rush for lumber. Ladue decries the amount of unreliable information being circulated and warns eager gold seekers to stay away until better means of communication could be established...[contents include] 'Routes and Distances, Transportation, Mining Laws, How to Stake a Claim, Where to Register Your Claim, Modes of Placer Mining and Quartz Mining, Return of Gold from the Diggings, Mortality, Cost of Living, etc.' The text is loaded with quotes from others who also had firsthand experience in this remote land, including several women." - Kurutz.

Klondike: A Manual for Goldseekers, by Charles Bramble (1897).  "Bramble wrote this book in part to counter the 'flood of cheap, unreliable 'Yukon' literature that [has] been put on the market.' A man of considerable experience in mining and travel in the Northwest Territories and Alaska, he offered a comprehensive overview on what to expect in the hunt for 'the virgin gold of the North.'...The volume is packed with matter-of-fact advice on routes, what to take and wear, life in the diggings, mining methods unique to the Klondike region, Canadian laws and regulations, climate, and diseases in the region. Game is scarce, he warns, and the 'sharp' air increases hunger. He advises gold seekers to avoid alcohol, drink hot tea in quantity, and bring a bottle of lime juice to prevent scurvy. Most of all, prospective miners must be strong, healthy, hardworking, and possessing a positive attitude." - Kurutz.

Alaska and the Klondike Gold Fields containing A Full Account of the Discovery of Gold; Enormous Deposits of the Precious Metal; Routes Traversed by Miners; How to Find Gold; Camp Life at Klondike; Practical Instructions for Fortune Seekers, Etc., Etc. Including a Graphic Description of the Gold Regions; Land of Wonders; Immense Mountains, Rivers and Plains; Native Inhabitants, etc. (1897).  "Traveler A. C. Harris produced one of the earliest and most detailed accounts of the gold stampede. Although not a miner himself, he loaded his narrative with dozens of quotations from men and women in the Klondike whose opinions and experiences no doubt influenced thousands of would-be fortune hunters...Harris covered every major aspect of the Klondike, including routes, mining methods, miners' laws, outfits, transportation, weather, health, saloons, dance halls, and indigenous peoples...The engravings feature iconic scenes...The large folding map delineates routes to the gold fields by land and sea, including the 'Back Door Route' via the Mackenzie River in the Yukon Territory." - Kurutz.

[Alaska Gold Rush] Ballads of a Cheechako.  By Robert W. Service (1909).  A "cheechako" in Alaskan slang meant a tenderfoot or newcomer.  Written by the "Bard of the Yukon."


American Revolution

Annals and Recollections of Oneida County, by Pomroy Jones (1851).  This history focuses on early settlers and their churches, encounters with the Indians, and has Revolutionary War history as Rome was the site of Fort Stanwix, the Oriskany battle was nearby, and the ravages of the Indians led by Loyalist officers left their mark on many of the settlements in the county.  Also, Baron von Steuben, of Valley Forge fame, settled in the county after the war.  There is a separate chapter on the local Indians and the involvement of the different tribes on both sides of the conflict.

Annals of the American Revolution, or a Record of the Causes and Events which Produced, and Terminated in the Establishment of the American Republic.  By Jedidiah Morse, 1824.

New York in the Revolution as Colony and State; These Records were Discovered, Arranged and Classified in 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898.  This is not a history of the war in New York, but the records of all enlisted men and officers, in which units they served, based on then-recently discovered muster rolls and other records.  The Regiments, Corps, Levies, Militia by County, Privateers, Miscellaneous Independent Regiments, Rangers, &c. - every single man who enlisted in the New York Revolutionary War service is herein written and assigned his proper place.

The Frontiersmen of New York (2 volumes, complete) showing Customs of the Indians, Vicissitudes of the Pioneer White Settlers and Border Strife in two Wars; With a great variety of Romantic and Thrilling Stories never before Published. By Jeptha R. Simms.

Daniel Sullivan's Visits, May and June, 1781, to General John Sullivan in Philadelphia.

Centennial Memoir of Major-General John Sullivan, 1740-1795

Washington's Reception by the People of New Jersey in 1789.  Post-revolutionary, but gives brief bios of revolutionary figures, and shows the amazing level of respect and esteem the American people had for the "Father of their Country."

King's Chapel and the Evacuation of Boston.  An account of some Loyalists who felt secure in Boston and then had to flee when the British evacuated the town in 1776.

Vie de George Washington, by Girault (1843)


William Huntington, S.S.

A small group of items pertaining to William Huntington, S.S. "Sinner Saved", the remarkable Calvinistic Methodist preacher who lived from 1744 to 1813.

The Life of William Huntington, S.S., by Thomas Wright (1909).  A first edition of the first biography of Huntington.

The Arminian Skeleton; or The Arminian Dissected and Anatomised.

Huntington had the following four items by Rev. James Barry (1641-1719) reprinted.  In the Irish Rev. Barry, Huntington had found a kindred spirit, though one 100 years older than himself.  The reprints are now scarce.

The Doctrine of Particular Election, before Time, asserted and proved by God's Word; Barry on Election, Revised by the Rev. William Huntington, S.S. (1814).

The Spirit of Prayer the Infallible Character of a Heaven-Born Soul; or, A Serious and Impartial Discourse on Right Prayer. By James Barry.  Reprinted 1814.

The Only Refuge of a Troubled Soul in Times of Affliction; or the Mystery of the Apple Tree. By James Barry.  Reprinted 1814.

A Reviving Cordial for a Sin-Despairing Soul, in the Time of Temptation. The same being An Extract of the Unworthy Author's Experience of the Following Particulars: I. The miraculous preservation of his bodily life from the many deaths and imminent dangers which threatened it, whilst in a state of nature. II. The method God took with him in awakening him to look into, and to mind soul concerns, when about fourteen years of age. III. How the spirit of bondage took him, and what fearful work it made in his soul. IV. How the spirit of adoption succeeded the spirit of bondage, healing and binding up the deep wounds caused in his soul thereby. By James Barry.  Reprinted 1814.  This with an Introduction by Huntington, entitled The Coalheaver's Cousin Rescued from the Bats, and his Incomparable Cordials Recovered; and with a the Supplement by him, The Coalheaver's Cousin & A Few Fragments of the Life and Death of the Rev. James Barry, intended as a Supplement to the Coalheaver's Cousin. Huntington was a coalheaver when a younger man, and considers Barry to be his cousin in likeness and that his writings were re-discovered and made known in these reprintings.


American History & Christian Theology singles

Pioneers of America; with Illustrations by Frank T. Merrill (1922)

Manuscript Genealogy Records of the Hopkinson Family of Salem Vermont (12 items)

Engraving: Whitefield Preaching at Moorfields, A.D. 1742 - Harper's Weekly, 1865

The English Bible in America: A Bibliography of Editions 1777-1957, by Hills.  If you collect or sell Bibles, this is an essential reference.

Mediæval and Modern Miracles, an exposé of the "pretensions of Catholicism" by George Perkins Marsh (1876)

The History of the Protestant Reformation (2 volume set), in Germany and Switzerland, and in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France, and Northern Europe; In a Series of Essays; Reviewing D'Aubigné, Menzel, Hallam, Bishop Short, Prescott, Ranké, Fryxell, and others.  An exposé of what the author considers to be bad scholarship by Protestant historians and an attempt to portray Protestant leaders in the bad light the author believes comports with the facts of history.

Prophetic Voices concerning America (1874), by Charles Sumner, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, formidable orator and a leader of the Radical Republicans, famously caned in the US Senate by Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina in May of 1856.

Gazetteer of the State of New York, 1860 History of every Town, Village, &c.

Piety Secures the Nation's Prosperity: A Thanksgiving Discourse (1865)

The History and Literature of the Early Church, by James Orr (1913).

Cottage Piety Exemplified (1869).  Rev. Rufus Taylor writes about his the trials of his mother and father in their New England home.  His mother was born 1778 to a family of Puritan heritage; his father was born 1765 and was a rough seaman.

Florevsky.  Ways of Russian Theology.  Fr. Georges Florevsky (1893-1979), Russian Orthodox priest, theologian, and historian. Born in Yelisavetgrad, Russian Empire, his working life was spent in Paris and New York. He is considered by many to be one of the pre-eminent Orthodox theologians of the 20th century.  

"J. B." Brierley His Life and Work (1915).  English Independent minister & journalist.

Life of Mother Catherine Aurelia of the Precious Blood: Foundress of the Institute of the Precious Blood, 1833-1905

Religion Under the Barons of Baltimore, 1634-1692

Christian Consolations for the Afflicted (1851)

Steps Toward Heaven, 1858 Revival Convert Sermons

Little May; or, of What Use Am I? ca. 1860

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as exhibited in the Life and Death of Miss Mary M'Owen ca. 1850 English Wesleyan Methodist

The Highest Critics vs The Higher Critics, by Methodist author L. W. Munhall, Fleming H. Revell publisher 1892

Is My Bible True? Where did we get it? 1897

The Secret of a Warm Heart and other papers, by Scottish Presbyterian Norman MacLeod Caie 

The Meaning of Suffering in Human Life, by Rev. Buchanan Blake (1922)

Christian Freedom: The Baird Lecture for 1913

Priestly Pretensions Disproved; or, Methodism and the Church of England (1873) 

The Bible: The Mightiest Factor in Human Progress, With Hints to Evolutionists, 1887 James Graham

The Soli Deo Gloria reprint of Puritan Thomas Watson's Heaven Taken By Storm.

As always, if you want to check every few days The Complete List and sort by new to old, you will find the most recent additions to the site.  Here is what it looks like.  Save that link and check it every so often.

We hope that the New Year brings you more of God's blessings and peace.

Steve & Susan

Haaswurth Books