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September 2023, New Arrivals in Religion & Americana


This list is in two parts: Religion and Americana & Misc.  Each section is sorted high to low price.  The link to the item is the number in [brackets].  Clicking the link is not a commitment to purchase, it takes you to the sale page where you can decide to purchase or not purchase.


Munger, Hiram. The Life and Religious Experience of Hiram Munger, Including many Singular Circumstances connected with Camp-Meetings and Revivals; Written by Himself. Chickopee Falls, Mass.: Published and For Sale by the Author, 1856. First Edition. [9525].  Roberts, Revival Literature: An Annotated Bibliography, no. 3871.  "Experiences in the Millerite movement."

Hobart, John Henry; Lowndes, Arthur [editor]. Archives of the General Convention: The Correspondence of John Henry Hobart (6 volume set). New York: Privately Printed, 1911-1912. First Editions. [9577].  Limited to 250 copies.

Copway, G. The Life, Letters and Speeches of Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh or, G. Copway, Chief Ojibway Nation; A Missionary for many years in the North-West; now the projector of the Concentration of the North-Western Indian Tribes, for the Better Promotion of their Physical Improvement. New York: S. W. Benedict, 1850. [9529].  Not in Roberts, although Copway does relate experiences with camp meetings and revivals. The first part of the book relates his early life as an Indian, with many descriptive passages. He tells of the Kawawenon Mission, his conversion, schooling, travels, and describes the Chippewas at different locations. He gives his views on the missionaries of different denominations - the Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists. The book includes two of his speeches on the condition of the tribes of the North-West, and several of his letters.

A Familiar Conversational History of the Evangelical Churches of New-York. New-York: Robert Carter, 1839. [9516]

Luther, Martin; Füssel, Stephan. The Luther Bible of 1534, Complete Facsimile Edition, with Introduction (3 volume set). Cologne: Taschen, 2003.  [9532].  An exact facsimile of a copy with hand-colored illustrations.  Worth a look.

Schaff, Philip [editor]. A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church (12 volumes). Buffalo & New York: The Christian Literature Company, 1886-1890. [9531]

Burchard, Jedediah; Eastman, C. G. Sermons, Addresses & Exhortations, by Rev. Jedediah Burchard: with an Appendix; containing some account of proceedings during Protracted Meetings, held under his direction, in Burlington, Williston, and Hinesburgh, Vt., December, 1835, and January, 1836. Burlington: Chauncey Goodrich, 1836. First Edition. [9511].  "He was constitutionally eccentric.” – M’Clintock & Strong.  Burchard is said to be the preacher whose sermons converted Charles Finney.

Pickering, David. Lectures in Defence of Divine Revelation, delivered at the Universalist Chapel, in Providence, R. I. Providence: Samuel W. Wheeler, 1831. Second Edition. [9505]

Brown, John. The Gospel Ministry: An Address to Ministers and Students of Theology. Cincinnati: American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1864. [9512].  John Brown of Haddington.

Goddard, Josiah. A New and Evangelical Collection of Sacred Hymns, taken from the best and most approved authors, both in Europe and America, Designed for the Use of Christians, and suited to almost every Occasion of Public and Private Worship. Pittsfield: Printed by Phinehas Allen, 1809. First Edition. [9568]

Cuyler, Rev. Theo. L. [Introduction]. Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven: From Poetic and Prose Literature of all Ages and all Lands; With an Introduction, by Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler, D. D. Illustrated. Philadelphia &c.: Bradley, Garretson & Co., &c., 1882. Revised and Enlarged. [9526].  An exceptionally nice copy.

Lampe, G. W. H.; Woollcombe, K. J. Essays on Typology (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 22). London: SCM Press, Ltd, 1957. First Edition. [9574]

Talmage, T. De Witt [editor]. The Christian Herald, April 17, 1901. Cover illustration of G. Campbell Morgan. New York: Louis Klopsch, 1901. First Edition. [9578]

Talmage, T. De Witt [editor]. The Christian Herald, August 14, 1901. Cover illustration of Ocean Grove Camp Meeting. New York: Louis Klopsch, 1901. First Edition. [9579]

Talmage, T. De Witt [editor]. The Christian Herald, August 21, 1901. Cover illustration of Chilkoot Pass caravan, Klondike. New York: Louis Klopsch, 1901. First Edition. [9580]

Talmage, T. De Witt [editor]. The Christian Herald, August 7, 1901. Cover illustration of New York Tenement Children. New York: Louis Klopsch, 1901. First Edition. [9581]

Talmage, T. De Witt [editor]. The Christian Herald, May 22, 1901. Cover illustration of Christian Missionaries in Shansi. New York: Louis Klopsch, 1901. First Edition. [9582]

Porter, Ebenezer [moderator]. [Revival Reports] Extracts from the Minutes of the General Association of Massachusetts, at their meeting in Boston, June, 1825, with the Narrative of the State of Religion, the Pastoral Address, and the Rules of the Association. Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1825. First Edition. [9513]

Bonar, Horatius. God's Way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious. London: James Nisbet & Co., [ca. 1880]. [9530]

Baker, B. J.; Johnson, A. N., Osgood, Josiah. Melodia Sacra; A Complete Collection of Church Music: to which is added, A Full and Complete Elementary Singing Course; An easy arrangement of Neukomm's Clebrated Oratorio of David; A Choice Collection of Interludes, by George F. Bristow, and An Episcopal Service, by H. S. Cutler. Boston: A. N. Johnson and Wm J. Reynolds & Co., 1853. [9507]

Lothrop, Joseph. A Sermon, preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Jesse Fisher, to the Pastoral Care of the Second Church and Society in Windham, Connecticut, May, 22nd, 1811. Windham: Printed by J. Byrne and Son, 1811. First Edition. [9514].  "It is fair to assign to Dr. Lathrop as a preacher a place among the most distinguished Divines of New England." - Sprague.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Essays: Philosophical and Theological (Library of Philosophy and Theology). New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955. First Edition. [9544]

Bultmann, Rudolf. Theology of the New Testament (Volume 1 and 2); Translated by Kendrick Grobel. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1951 & 1955. [9545]

Hood, Edwin Paxton. Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets: Lectures on the Vocation of a Preacher; Illustrated by Anecdotes, Biographical, Historical, and Elucidatory, of every Order of Pulpit Eloquence, from the Great Preachers of all Ages. New York: M. W. Dodd, 1869. [9548]

Manual of South Reformed Church of West Troy, N. Y. Albany, N. Y.: Van Benthuysen Printing House, 1879. [9551]

Thompson, John B.; Vermilye, Ashbel G.; Thompson, Alex. R. [editors]. The Reformed Church of America: Hymns of the Church, with Tunes. New York and Chicago: A. S. Barnes & Company, 1874. [9565]

Huntington, F. D. Christian Citizenship and Honest Legislation: A Sermon delivered before His Excellency Henry J. Gardner, His Honor Henry W. Benchley, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, at the Annual Election, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1858. Boston: William White, Printer to the State, 1858. First Edition.  [9504]

Dalman, Gustaf. The Words of Jesus considered in the Light of Post-Biblical Jewish Writings and the Aramaic Language; I. Introduction and Fundamental Ideas. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1902. First Edition. [9535]

Warfield, Benj. B.; Orr, James; Denny, George H.; et al. Calvin Memorial Addresses delivered before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States at Savannah, Ga., May, 1909. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1909. First Edition. [9543]

Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come (250th Anniversary Edition, 1678-1928); Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream; wherein is Discovered the Manner of his Setting Out; his dangerous Journey; and the Safe Arrival at the Desired Country. New York: Rae D. Henkle Co., Inc. | Printed in Holland by G. J. Thieme, [1928]. 250th Anniversary Edition. [9564]

Pierce, C. A. Conscience in the New Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 15). London: SCM Press, Ltd, 1958. First Edition, Second Impression. [9575]

Orr, James. The Christian View of God and the World as centering in The Incarnation: Being the First Series of Kerr Lectures. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. Ninth Edition. [9519]

Godet, F. A Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke (2 volume set); Translated from the Second French Edition by E. W. Shalders and M. D. Cusin. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1952. Fifth Edition.  [9536]

Huntington, F. D. [Introduction]. Hymns of the Ages: being Selections from Lyra Catholica, Germanica, Apostolica, and other sources. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1859. [9547]

Doggett, L. L. Life of Robert McBurney. Cleveland, O.: F. M. Barton, 1902. First Edition. [9550] Y. M. C. A. leader.

Brooks, Phillips. Lectures on Preaching delivered before the Divinity School of Yale College in January and February, 1877. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1877. [9537]

Way, Arthur S. The Letters of St. Paul to Seven Churches and Three Friends. London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1935. Seventh Edition. [9540]

Elliott-Binns, L. E. Galilean Christianity (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 16). London: SCM Press, Ltd, 1956. First Edition. [9576]

Jowett, John Henry. The Whole Armour of God. New York &c.: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1916. First Edition. [9538]

Jowett, J. H. The Preacher His Life and Work: Yale Lectures. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1912. [9573]

Calvin, John; Fuhrmann, Paul T. Instruction in Faith (1537); With a Historical Foreword and Critical and Explanatory Notes. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1949. [9539]


Johnson, J. Typographia, or the Printers' Instructor: including an account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters: Together with An Elucidation of every Subject connected with the Art (2 volume set). London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green | J. Johnson, Typ., Apollo Press, Brook Street, Holborn, London [colophon], 1824. First Edition. [9508].  Recent fine bindings.

Yaggy, L. W.; Haines, T. L. Museum of Antiquity, A Description of Ancient Life: The Employments, Amusements, Customs and Habits, the Cities, Palaces, Monuments and Tombs, the Literature and Fine Arts of 3,000 Years Ago; Illustrated. New York: Standard Publishing House, 1882. [9527]

Webster, Noah. A Dictionary for Primary Schools. New-York: F. J. Huntington and Co., 1841. [9506].  Skeel 641. This copy has the variant of the advertising on the verso of p. 341 and the recto of the next leaf, its verso being blank. See Skeel 639.

Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and Conquests of the North-West, with the History of Chicago. Wheaton: R. Blanchard & Company, 1879. First Edition. [9509]

Chamberlain, Mellen. A Documentary History of Chelsea including the Boston Precincts of Winnisimmet, Rumney Marsh, and Pullen Point, 1624-1824 (2 volume set). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1908. First Edition. [9515]

West, Charles. Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1868. Fourth American, from the Fifth Revised and Enlarged English Edition. [9521]

Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington (5 vol set). New York: G. P. Putnam, 1864. First Edition, later printing. [9563]

Foote, Edward B. Medical Common Sense; applied to the Causes, Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases and Unhappiness in Marriage. New York: Published by the Author, 1866. Revised and Enlarged Edition. [9517]

Hollick, Frederick. The Marriage Guide, or Natural History of Regeneration; a private instructor for Married Persons and those about to Marry, both Male and Female; In every thing concerning the physiology and relations of the Sexual System, and the production or prevention of offspring; including all new discoveries, never before given in the English language. New York: T. W. Strong, 1860. 200th Edition, much enlarged and improved, and brought down to the present day. [9520]

Spencer, Mrs. Bella Z. Tried and True, or Love and Loyalty: A Story of the Great Rebellion. Springfield, Mass.: W. J. Holland, 1873. [9518].  Based upon eyewitness events of battles and hospitals near Shiloh and surroundings.

Ridpath, John Clark. A Popular History of the United States of America, from the Aboriginal Times to the Present Day; An Account of the Aborigines; the Norsemen in the New World; the Discoveries by the Spaniards, English, and French; the Planting of Settlements; the Growth of the Colonies; the Struggle for Liberty in the Revolution; the Establishment of the Union; the Development of the Nation; the Civil War; and the Centennial of Independence. Cincinnati, &c.: Jones Brothers & Co., 1877. [9524]

Oldroyd, Osborn H. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Flight, Pursuit, Capture, and Punishment of the Conspirators. Washington DC: O. H. Oldroyd, 1901. First Edition. [9560]

[Horace]  Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Parisiis: Petrus Didot, 1800. [9569]

Goodrich, Samuel. Lives of Celebrated Women: by the Author of Peter Parley's Tales (Parley's Cabinet Library). New York: John Allen, 1844. First Edition. [9559]

Clemmer, Mary. Ten Years in Washington: or, Life and Scenes in the National Capital, as a Woman Sees Them; Including a Full and Authentic History of the Life and Death of President James A. Garfield; Illustrated with a Portrait of the Author on Steel, Portraits of President Garfield and his Wife, and Forty-Eight fine Engravings on Wood. Hartford, Conn.: The Hartford Publishing Company, 1882.  Sold Only by Subscription. [9562]

Littell, E. [editor]. The Panorama of Life and Literature Vol. III. July to December, 1856; Conducted by E. Littell. Boston: Littell, Son and Company, 1856. First Edition. [9572]

Fort Pillow Massacre & Returned Prisoners: 38th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Report No. 65 & 67. [Washington, DC]: [House of Representatives], 1864. First Edition. [9534].  Massacre of colored Union troops.

Wirt, William. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry (The Library of American Freedoms). Birmingham, Alabama: Palladium Press, 2002. Privately printed. [9566].  Bound in olive leather.

[Reconstruction Era] Tourgée, Albion W. Bricks Without Straw, A Novel. New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, 1880. First Edition. [9546]

Nason, Elias; Russell, Thomas. The Life and Public Services of Henry Wilson, Late Vice-President of the United States. Boston: B. B. Russell, 1876. [9549]

Hemans, Felicia. The Poetical Works of Mrs. Felicia Hemans; complete in one volume: New Edition, with a Critical Preface, and a Biographical Memoir. Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliot, 1841. [9522]

Comstock, J. L. A System of Natural Philosophy: in which the Principles of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Optics, Astronomy, Electricity, Magnetism, Steam Engine, and Electro-Magnatism, are Familiarly Explained; and Illustrated by more than Two Hundred Engravings. To which are added, Questions for the Examination of Pupils, designed for the use of Schools and Academies. New-York: Robinson, Pratt, & Co., 1840. Stereotyped from the Fifty-third Edition. [9528]

McCabe, James D. Our Martyred President: The Life and Public Services of Gen. James A. Garfield. Philadelphia: National Publishing Company, 1881. [9567]

Colburn, Warren. Colburn's First Lessons: Intellectual Arithmetic, upon the Inductive Method of Instruction. Boston: William J. Reynolds & Co., 1847. New Edition, Revised and Improved. [9570]

Bailey, R. W. English Grammar: A Simple, Concise, and Comprehensive Manual of The English Language; Designed for the Use of Schools, Academies, and as a Book for General Reference in the Language; In Four Parts. Portland: Merrill & Whitman, 1855. Tenth Edition. [9571]

Miller, Hugh. Essays, Historical and Biographical, Political, Social, Literary, and Scientific; Edited, with a Preface, by Peter Bayne. Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1865. First Edition. [9561].  You may remember this author from his anti-evolution works, The Old Red Sandstone and Footprints of the Creator.

Thank you!

Steve & Susan

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