Porter, Ebenezer [moderator]. Extracts from the Minutes of the General Association of Massachusetts, at their meeting in Boston, June, 1825, with the Narrative of the State of Religion, the Pastoral Address, and the Rules of the Association. Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1825. First Edition. [9513]
Stab-sewn pamphlet, no wrapper, 9 1/2 x 6 inches, 30 (1) pp., top edge unopened (uncut). Very good. Pamphlet.
Members present include the Revs. Benjamin B. Wisner, Ebenezer Porter, John Woodbridge, Joseph Vaill, Rufus W. Bailey, Levi White, Edward Hitchcock, Samuel Dana, Ezra Stiles Ely, &c.
Includes Rev. Ebenezer Porter's report on revivals, in the Narrative of the State of Religion.