Pallavicino, Sforza. Lettere del card. Sforza Pallavicino e Trattato dello stile e del dialogo del padre Sforza Pallavicino, della compagni de Gesu. Venezia: Alvisopoli, 1825. [657]
Early 20th century binding, patterned paper over boards, red leather spine label, 4 1/4 x 8 1/2 inches, 2 engraved portrait frontispieces, 238 + 253 pp., tight. The second book was published at Reggio, per Torreggiani e Compagno. Two books bound as one volume; Lettere date is 1825, Trattato date is 1824. Text in Italian. Very good. Hardcover.
Pietro Sforza Pallavicino (1607-1667). "Born and educated in Rome, Pallavicino entered the Church and governed Iesi, Orvieto, and Camerino before joining the Jesuits. A professor of philosophy and theology at the Collegio Romano, he wrote poems, a tragedy, and a work of literary criticism, Considerazioni sopra l'arte dello stile (1646). He also published a vindication of the Jesuits and, best-known of all his works, the Istoria del Concilio di Trento (1656-7), defending the Council from the criticisms of Paolo Surpi." - The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature.