Jones, Erasmus W. Gold Tinsel and Trash: Stories of Country and City. New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1890. [6814]
Dark green cloth decorated in black & gilt, 5 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches, old library association bookplate, 319 pp. Very good. Hardcover.
Stories written by a Methodist minister, some of which were first published in the Northern Christian Advocate.
"While in the main they bear particularly on Methodist usages, they are designed to interest and benefit all the branches of Zion, and check, in a measure, the rising tendency among professed Christians to indulge in worldly and unholy amusements." - Author's Preface.
Titles include: Gold, Tinsel and Trash; Sharp Words on Old Flintrock Circuit; Sunny Memories of Conference Chums; The Great Revival at Tonville