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Johnson, F. Roy. How and Why: Stories in Carolina Folklore

Johnson, F. Roy. How and Why: Stories in Carolina Folklore

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Johnson, F. Roy. How and Why: Stories in Carolina Folklore. Murfreesboro, North Carolina: Johnson Publishing Company, 1971. First Edition. ISBN: 9780930230128. [6348]

Illustrated gold publisher's cloth, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, 112 clean pp., illustrations. A few pp. lightly printed. Very good. Hardcover.

Frank Roy Johnson (1911-1988), a North Carolina native; Johnson was a newspaperman until 1962, when he began writing about the people and folklore of northeastern North Carolina.

A collection of Carolina folklore focusing on animals and nature collected from many individuals and arranged by Johnson. Includes a bibliography.

Some samples:

The Dog - How the Dog Got Zigzaggy Lips;

The Cat - How the Cat is Jesus' Right Hand Friend, Why the Germans Lost Old Frederick's War, How the Cat has Nine Lives, Why the Old Woman Didn't Get Her Cow Home;

The Hog - Why the Hog has a Short Life, How Come the Pig Can See in the Wind.