Langtry, Walter M. Centennial Addresses: Synod of Missouri, U. S., Central Church, Kansas City, October 12, 1932; [Cover title] One Hundred Years: The Synod of Missouri, Presbyterian Church, U. S. 1832-1932. Clayton, Mo.: Synod of Missouri, U. S., [1932]. First Edition. [7864]
Blue textured wrappers with gilt cover title, 6 x 8 3/4 inches, 48 pp., brief underlining, corrections, marginalia. Good. Pamphlet.
The Centennial Address was delivered by Rev. Walter M. Langtry, D. D. Other historical addresses by Hon. Wm. R. Gentry, St. Louis, and the Rev. John Rood Cunningham, D. D., LL. D., of Louisville, Kentucky.