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B. K. [Benjamin Keach]. War with the Devil: or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness
B. K. [Benjamin Keach]. War with the Devil: or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness
B. K. [Benjamin Keach]. War with the Devil: or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness

B. K. [Benjamin Keach]. War with the Devil: or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness

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B. K. [Benjamin Keach]. War with the Devil: or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness: In a Dialogue. Discovering the Corruption and Vanity of Youth, the Horrible Nature of Sin, and Deplorable Condition of Fallen Man; Also, A Definition, Power, and Rule of Conscience, and the Nature of true Conversion. To which is added, An Appendix, containing a Dialogue between an Old Apostate, and a Young Professor. Worthy the Perusal of all, but chiefly intended for the Instruction of the Younger Sort. London: Printed for Benjamin Harris, 1676. The Fourth Impression. [8623]

Probable original calf binding, front joint cracked and weak, front top corner rounded with loss, 3 of 4 of the brass hinges intact, lacking the closures. 14.5 cm (5 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches). Lacks the front & rear blanks, verso of tp filled with contemporary notes in brown ink. Text and register continuous despite pagination, which is [2], 94, 105-208, text complete, lacking two plates at the end. Leaf 121-122 damaged with loss of about a third; many top corners rounded with loss of page nos. (but counted and complete).  Good. Full calf.

Imprimatur on verso of tp: "Imprimatur Hic libri Cui Titulus War with the Devil Anto. Saunders Ex AEdibus Lambethanis. Sept. 25. 1673."

This copy has features of both ESTC R31550 [line 5 of title ends "darkness:", and line 10 has "definition, power..."] and of R229873 with the ending at p. 208 having "FINIS," a heraldic emblem, and "The Stationers Arms."

Pp. 116-128 are "Hymns and Spiritual Songs"

Rev. Benjamin Keach (1640-1704), born in Stokehaman, England. He was converted at the age of fifteen and was immersed in baptism by John Russel and joined a nearby Baptist church. When eighteen he was encouraged by the church to enter the gospel ministry. “At first he was Arminian about the extent of the atonement and free-will, but the reading of the Scriptures and the conversation of those who know the will of God more perfectly relieved him from both errors…Mr. Keach…became a famous disputant on the Baptist side…Mr. Keach was often in prison for preaching, and his life was frequently in danger….Mr. Keach was a zealous Baptist; he aided ministers who came to him from all parts of the country, he had many meeting-houses built, and his works in defense of Baptist principles were read all over the kingdom…He was a devout Christian who led a blameless life and died in the triumphs of faith.” - Cathcart, The Baptist Encyclopedia (1881).

With a signed provenance card from the collection of A. Merril Smoak, Jr., DWS.