1813-1850, 27 issues Massachusetts Congregational Association Annual Reports. First Editions. [10839]
These 27 reports are complete. The first, from 1813, was not printed separately but removed from a periodical and put inside a wrapper. The rest are all printed. A few are removed from a binding and do not have the wrappers. Most have the printed wrappers. Condition varies, from poor to very good, with some being loose and some lacking wrappers. The earlier issues are edge-tattered, the later ones very good with no issues. They very in size and length, with the average probably being 24-30 pages. Good. Pamphlets.
A complete run of annual reports of the General Association of Massachusetts. These are called “Extracts from the Minutes” and report the most pressing, interesting, and pivotal news from the Annual Meeting. Later issues include statistics of all of the churches in the Association. They from early days relate the “State of Religion,” which includes revival news. Later issues begin to notice the growing divide with the Presbyterians over slavery.
Three are signed by William Jenks.
Names that appear within include many well-known men, such as the Revs. Nathan Perkins, Samuel Worcester, Richard S. Storrs, Ezra Fisk, Noah Porter, Ebenezer Porter, Bennett Tyler, Samuel Dana, Jedidiah Morse, Heman Humphrey, Lyman Beecher, Edward D. Griffin, Justin Edwards, Benjamin B. Wiser, Enoch Pond, Edward N. Kirk, Jacob Ide, Preserved Smith, Rufus Anderson, Edward Beecher, Nehemiah Adams, and scores more.
The contents include revival news, historical notices, home missions news, the pastoral addresses, treasurer’s reports, statistics of every church in the Association (the entire state of Massachusetts), and notices of concerns and of praise.