Mason, Augustus Lynch; Ridpath, John Clark; White, Trumbull. True Stories of Our Pioneers, the Heroic Deeds and Devoted Lives of the Fathers and Mothers of America, embracing the principal episodes in the Struggle of the White Race with the Red Men for the possession of the New World. Springfield, Mass.: Hampden Publishing Co., 1904. First Edition. [10912]
Teal cloth decorated in black & gilt, 9 3/4 x 7 inches, 686 clean pp. with many b/w plates and text illustrations. Very good. Hardcover.
Title continues: A True and Vivid Account of the Dark Captivities and the Unconquerable Courage of the Men and Women who wrested the American Forests from the Aborigines and gave them to the Plow and the Sickle. With Introduction and special Contributions by John Clark Ridpath, LL.D....with Additional Chapters on the Louisiana Purchase, the Great Northwest, the Panama Canal and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, by Trumbull White.
"Civilization is a war - a war of light with darkness; of truth with falsehood; of the illuminated intellect and the rectified heart with the barbarism of ignorance and the animalism of the savage. This present work portrays a single phase of this sublime conflict...It is an attempt to condense into a single volume, and give an adequate literary expression to, the thrilling history of the struggle between the White man and the Red man for the possession of this continent. It is also intended to be a memorial to a race of heroes...It is a truthful account of actual events, gathered from a vast mass of authorities." - Preface.