Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three parts: to wit, I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [Part I only as issued]. Cambridge: Printed by W. Hilliard, 1803. Fourth Edition with Additions and Improvements; Printed upon a New Plan. [8702]
Leather spine with plain blue paper over wood, several inscriptions on the boards including "Hon. Isaac B. Dodge, Amherst". Oblong 13 cm (5 x 8 3/4 inches), round ink stamp "I. B. Dodge, Amerst, N. H." on p. 11. 96 pp., complete with end papers, a very good copy. Hardcover.
Stanislaw 128. "The rudiments were widely copied by later compilers. 4th ed. was first to use four-shape system. Reverse faw and law shapes from Little and Smith's more popular system; no staff, note-locations approximate."
Crawford, Andrew Law, American Psalmodist, p. 277 calls this as the third edition, notwithstanding the imprint. "Total of 105 tunes."