[Scott, Walter; Ballantyne, James]. The American War: Extract from the Edinburgh Annual Register for 1814. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co, 1816. First Edition. [8742]
17 pp. extract removed from a volume, the complete chapter for the American War as conducted in 1814. Good. Disbound.
This chapter treats of the Impolicy of the War, the Inferiority of the American Armies, Naval Actions, the Capture of the British sloop Rein-deer, Engagement between the Wasp and the Avon, Americans defeated near Buffaloe [sic], Sackett's Harbor, the British Destroy the American Fort at Oswego, Battle of Niagara, the Burning of Washington, &c.
The Register was owned and edited by Sir Walter Scott and James Ballantyne. It began in 1808 as an ambitious project, but was always published two years after the events chronicled, and ultimately the Register was a financial failure.