Staake, William H. Address at the Unveiling of the Monument of General Peter Muhlenberg on German Day, Thursday, October 6, 1910 at the City Hall, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: The German Society of Pennsylvania, 1910. First Edition. [1356]
9 x 6 inch pamphlet with cardstock wrapper, 18 clean and unmarked pp. Very good. Pamphlet.
An account of the life of General Peter Muhlenberg (1746-1807), with extracts from his letters.
Muhlenberg was a Lutheran minister and a Colonel in the 8th Virginia Regiment during the American Revolutionary War, afterwards advanced in rank to Brigadier General. He saw action at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. At Yorktown he commanded the first brigade of Lafayette's Light Division.
After the war Muhlenberg served in the Pennsylvania government, and was elected to the first federal Congress, and later in the 3rd and 5th Congresses. He served briefly in the Senate, and was appointed by President Thomas Jefferson as the supervisor for revenue for Pennsylvania and customs collector for Philadelphia.